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目 录 1 绪论 6 1.1 研究背景 6 1.2 蓝牙应用现状 7 1.3 研究的目的和意义 7 2 系统方案的设计 8 2.1 数据采集技术 8 2.2 无线数据采集模块的构成 8 2.3 系统方案设计 9 3硬件电路的设计 11 3.1 硬件元器件的选择 11 3.1.1 温度传感器LM35D与压力传感器MPS20N0040D-D 11 3.1.2 显示屏LCD1602 13 3.1.3 蓝牙芯片CC2540 14 3.3 硬件电路的设计 20 3.4 电路板的调试 28 3.4.1 发送节点的调试 30 3.4.2 接收节点的调试 32 4 总结和展望 34 4.1 总结 34 4.2 展望及今后工作的建议 34 致 谢 35 参考文献 36 附录A:发送节点原理图 37 附录B:发送节点PCB顶层图 38 附录C:发送节点PCB底层图 38 附录D:发送节点PCB图 39 附录E:接收节点电路图 40 附录F:接收节点PCB顶层图 41 附录G:接收节点PCB底层图 41 附录H:接收节点PCB图 42 基于蓝牙的温度与压力的无线监测设计 摘 要 蓝牙技术是近年来发展迅速的无线通信技术,以低成本、短距离无线连接为基础,为便携式电子设备和固定式电子通信环境建立一个连接。利用蓝牙技术构建的无线数据采集传输模块,具有减少系统间的电缆连接的优点,可以应用于构建数据采集系统、各种检测的场合。因此,研究蓝牙技术构建的无线数据采集传输系统具有重大的现实意义和应用前景。 本文首先对蓝牙技术的概况、应用前景以及数据采集传输的基本构成等做了简单的介绍,设计两种无线数据采集传输方案并加以比较。此基础上将两者相结合,提出了一种基于蓝牙芯片CC2540的无线数据采集传输系统的实现方案;完成了硬件电路的设计及电路板的制作、硬件的调试;完成巴伦电路的设计及其相关数据的计算,以及天线匹配电路的微带线的设计。 关键词 蓝牙技术,无线通信,无线传输 Based on Bluetooth Wireless Monitoring System Design of Temperature and Pressure ABSTRACT Bluetooth technology is a wireless communication technology which developed rapidly in recent years. Because the Bluetooth technology has low cost and short distance wireless connection, so it sets up a special connection for the portable electronic devices and fixed electronic communication environment. The wireless data acquisition and transmission module of Bluetooth, which can reduce the cable connections between the systems and can be used to construct a data acquisition system and a variety of detections. Therefore, the research of wireless data collection and transmission system of Bluetooth has great practical significance and application prospects. This paper made a briefly introduction of the overview, prospects of application and the basic structure of the data acquisition and transmission of Bluetooth technology at first, and then design of two kind of wireless data collection and transmission circuit and a comparision. Finally completed the following works based on the combination:put forward a implementation scheme of wireless data acquisition an


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