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重庆大学本科学生毕业设计(论文) 某小区商住楼电气工程设计 学 生: 学 号: 指导教师: 专 业:电气工程与自动化 重庆大学电气工程学院 二零一二年六月 Graduation Design(Thesis) of Chongqing University Electrical Design of a residential Buildings Undergraduate: Zhang Shengke Supervisor: Lecturer. Ya Yue Major: Electrical engineering and automation Electrical Engineering Chongqing University June 2012 摘 要 该论文主要阐述了住宅小区栋层住宅楼电气系统设计依据、原则、方法结论。本论文强电,分为章、章为部分,、五章为。主要内容有:低压配电系统、照明系统及防雷接地系统的设计,其中包括。本次对住宅楼的建筑电气毕业设计,旨在运用所学的电工理论知识,联系实际,通过自身的设计实践,掌握建筑电气设计的一般步骤、方法,并能够对工程中的某些问题进行分析和解决,为今后从事建筑电气工作打下良好基础。 ABSTRACT This paper mainly describes the electrical system of two 18-floor residential buildings and an 11-floor one, including its basis for electrical design, principles, methods and conclusion for design choices. The paper is designed for electric power and is divided into five chapters, with the second and third chapters about low voltage distribution and the fourth and fifth chapters about site design. The paper mainly covers topics on low voltage distribution system, short circuit current computation, equipment selection and calibration, overcurrent protection setting, overvoltage protection setting, substation and distribution station designing, household distribution design, design for public part of the lightening and its control in residential building, design for lightening protection system etc. The graduating design for the electrical system in the residential building aims to apply the theoretical knowledge from class and put it into practice. Through the practical designing process, the regular approaches and methods for electrical design in buildings can be better grasped and the engineering problems can be analyzed and solved. It lays a strong foundation for a career in electrical designing in the future. Key words:Electrical design, Electric power supply and distribution system, Lighting, Lightning protection 目 录 中文摘要 Ⅰ ABSTRACT Ⅱ 1绪论 1 1.1课题意义 1 1.2课题基本情况 1 1.3外部条件 2 2低压配电系统设计 3 2.1变配电所选址及符合等级 3 2.1.1配电


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