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管内小型机器人驱动机构和控制系统设计 摘要:本文设计的任务是为管内机器人设计一种驱动机构和控制系统,设计的主要内容包括:机器人总体方案设计;机器人移动功能模块及控制系统的简单设计与实现;机器人管内动力学简单分析。 论文在分析了国内外管内机器人技术现状的基础上,阐述了研究设计该机器人驱动机构和控制系统的目的和意义。通过需求分析,提出了机器人的设计要求和具体指标。对机器人的移动功能模块和控制功能模块进行了进行了总体设计。利用机械设计的相关方法对机器人的移动机构进行了设计,对主要零部件进行了详细设计和计算。通过管内机器人的研究,最后设计了一套满足功能结构紧凑便于拆卸稳定可靠适应性强的机械系统。分析研究表明这种机器人较好的满足了设计要求,且具有较大的可靠性储备并且在功能方面有较大的提升空间。 关键词:管道机器人,驱动机构,可调节预紧机构,控制系统 re Design Design on Drive and Control system of Mechanical Pipe-Robot Abstract: The purpose of this study is to design a robot. This paper has done some research and analysis on the mechanical system and controlling parts of robot. There are three main aspects included in this paper. Firstly, an overall plan for the robot has made. Secondly, the optimum design of the moving and controlling parts has been done. Thirdly, the dynamics analysis of the robot has been done. Based on the research and analysis of the pipe-robot technology home and abroad, the purpose and the meanings of robot were illustrated. On account of the demand, the design demands and indexes of the robot were put forward, and the overall design for the moving and controlling parts were made. With the method of mechanical design, the design of the moving mechanism was finished, and the design details of the main part were given. Through the research of the pipe-robot, a powerful, compactive, easy disassembled, steady and well-adapted mechanical system has been designed. The analysis and the research show that the robot fits the design demand preferably, and it has reliability with reserve, has greater space to improve in funtion. Key wards: pipe robot, mechanical system, adjustable and self-adaptation mechanism, controlling system 目 录(目录项为自动生成,不用修改,只需刷新) 1 绪 论 1 1.1研究课题的目的和意义 1 1.2国内外研究现状 1 2管内机器人总体方案设计 6 2.1任务分析与设计思路 6 2.2移动功能模块设计 7 2.3控制功能模块设计 11 3管内机器人结构参数分析 13 3.1移动机构分析 13 3.2动力系统设计与计算 22 4 机器人机械结构设计 24 4.1传动机构设计 24 4.2预紧机构设计 25 4.3连接件设计 25 4.4驱动机构装配图设计 26 5 机器人管内运动分析 27 5.1移动机构管内运动情况分析 27 5.2机器人管内动力学分析 27 6 管内机器人控制系统设计 30



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