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石化产品销售信息管理系统设计 摘 要 随着计算机技术和网络技术的快速发展,管理的信息化早已成为主导,尤其是销售信息管理,它被视为企业管理的关键。企业为了在激烈的市场竞争中生存,对于市场的预测、成本的控制、销售活动的监督管理等方面的需求越来越迫切。因此,研究和设计具有以上诸多功能的产品销售信息管理系统对于企业来讲,意义重大。 论文以石化产品销售为例,设计产品销售管理系统。依据软件生存周期的六个阶段完成该软件设计。首先,了解和分析用户的问题进行可行性研究,同时收集石化产品相关数据以及财务、销售等方面的材料。其次,进行需求分析。将需求规范化、形式化,全面理解并准确表达需求,把确定的各种需求转化成对应的体系结构,确定系统接口、全局数据结构或数据库模型。接着进行详细设计,确立每个模块的实现算法以及局部的数据结构。根据前面步骤完成程序编码。最后完成测试和调试工作,编写尽可能全面的测试用例,严格执行测试计划,对每一个测试结果做全面的检查,排除测试的随意性。从而较好的完成软件设计工作。 本文从石化产品销售的特殊性和信息管理系统的要求入手,发掘新形势下二者结合的最佳途径,应用软件工程的方法和VB语言以及数据库相关知识,进而设计出石化产品销售信息管理系统。 关键字:石化产品;销售信息;管理系统;软件设计;VB The Design of Petrochemical Product Sales Information Management System Abstract With the computer and internet technology developing swift, informatization of management has already become the current. Especially the sales information management, it is regarded as the key. In order to survive in the intense market competition, market forecast, cost control and supervision of the sales activities in demand is more and more urgent. Therefore, the study and design product sales information management system with various functions above for enterprises is of great significance. For example in petrochemical product sales, designs the product sales management system based on six stages of software life cycle. First of all, analyze the problems of client. And collect the data of petrochemical products as well as financial, marketing and other aspects of the material. Secondly, finish the demand analysis. Make sure the demand formalized understanding and expression fully. Determine the accurate demand of various requirements into corresponding system structure, system interface, global data structure or database model. Then finish the detailed design, establish the algorithm and the local data structure of each module. And complete the program code according to the front steps. Finally finish the testing and commissioning work, write test cases as comprehensive as possible, enforce the test plan strictly, comprehensive check t


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