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广西工学院鹿山学院 毕业设计(论文)说明书 题 目: 五菱汽车A柱下加强板拉伸模具设计 系 别: 机械工程系 专业班级: 模具L071班 姓 名: 学 号: 指导教师: 职 称: 工程师 二〇一一年 五 月 二十三 日 摘要 本次设计了一套拉伸成形的模具。经过查阅资料,首先要对零件进行工艺分析,经过工艺分析和对比,采用拉伸工序,通过冲裁力、顶件力、卸料力等计算,确定压力机的型号。再分析对冲压件加工的模具适用类型选择所需设计的模具。得出将设计的模具类型后将模具的各工作零部件设计过程表达出来。 在文档中第一部分,主要叙述了冲压模具的发展状况,说明了冲压模具的重要性与本次设计的意义,接着第二部分是对冲压件的工艺分析,完成了工艺方案的确定。再进行冲裁工艺力的计算和冲裁模工作部分的设计计算,对选择冲压设备提供依据。最后对主要零部件的设计和标准件的选择,为本次设计模具的绘制和模具的成形提供依据,以及为装配图各尺寸提供依据。通过前面的设计方案画出模具各零件图和装配图。 本次设计阐述了冲压连续模结构设计及工作过程。本模具性能可靠,运行平稳,提高了产品质量和生产效率,降低劳动强度和生产成本。 关键字:冲压;模具结构;拉伸模具 ABSTRACT This design carries on drawing die.The article has briefly outlined the press die at present development condition and the tendency.It has carries on the detailed craft analysis and the craft plan determination to the product.According to general step which the press die designs, calculated and has designed on this set of mold main drawing part, for example: The punch, the matrix, the punch plate, the backing strip, the matrix plate, stripper plate, stop pin, pilot pin and so on.The die sets uses the standard mould bases, has selected the appropriate press equipment.In the design has carries on the essential examination computation to the working elements and the press specification.In addition, this die employs the finger stop pin and the hook shape stop pin.The mold drawing punch are fixed with the different plates separately in order to coordinate the gap cenveniently; The piercing matrix and blanking matrix are fixed by the overall plate.Fell in the blanking punch is loaded by pilot pin, guarante the relative position of the hole and the contour , increase the processing precision.This structure may guarantee the die move reliably and the request of mass production. Key words: pressing; drawing die; Mold Construction 目录 1 绪论 4 1.1 课题特点及其研究意义 4 1.2 选题背景 6 1.2.1 近年来车身覆盖件冲压成形工艺


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