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摘 要 当电力系统中的电力元件,如发电机、线路等或电力系统本身发生了故障危及电力系统安全运行时,能够向运行值班人员及时发出警告信号,或者直接向所控制的断路器发出跳闸命令以终止这些事件发展的一种自动化措施和设备,一般通称为继电保护装置。继电保护的基本任务:(1)当被保护的电力系统元件发生故障时,应该由该元件的继电保护装置迅速准确地给脱离故障元件最近的断路器发出跳闸命令,使故障元件及时从电力系统中断开,以最大限度地减少对电力系统元件本身的损坏,降低对电力系统安全供电的影响,并满足电力系统的某些特定要求如保持电力系统的暂态稳定性等。(2)反应电气设备的不正常工作情况,并根据不正常工作情况和设备运行维护条件的不同例如有无经常值班人员发出信号,以便值班人员进行处理,或由装置自动地进行调整,或将那些继续运行会引起事故的电气设备予以切除。反应不正常工作情况的继电保护装置允许带一定的延时动作。继电保护的基本原理和构成方式。继电保护主要利用电力系统中元件发生短路或异常情况时的电气量电流、电压、功率、频率等的变化,构成继电保护动作的原理,也有其他的物理量,如变压器油箱内故障时伴随产生的大量瓦斯和油流速度的增大或油压强度的增高。大多数情况下,不管反应哪种物理量,继电保护装置都包括测量部分和定值调整部分、逻辑部分、执行部分。Abstract When the electric power component,such as generator, circuit etc. In the electric power system or electric power system breakdown happened to endanger electric power system a safety movement, can to circulate the personnel on duty send out warning signal in time, or issue to give a order to jump switch with a kind of automation measure and equipments which terminates these affairs a development toward the chopper controled directly, general general name for protection equip. protection equip basic mission: (1)While the protective electric power system component break down, should from that component of after electricity the protection equip quickly and accurately to escape from breakdown the component recent chopper to issue to give a order to jump switch, make breakdown component in time the interruption open from the electric power system to reduce the damage toward the electric power system component with maximum limit, lowering the influence to the electric power system safe power supply, and satisfy the some and particular request of electric power system such as keep electric power system temporary a stability etc. (2)The iniquity which responds an electricity equipments often works circumstance, and according to often work falsely circumstance and equipments circulate a maintenance conditional of dissimilarity, for example whether have or have not a personnel on duty, send out signal, in order the pe



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