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With the Internet technology into China , e-commerce development in full swing , more and more e-commerce business as a trading status with the Japanese surge. E-commerce has become among business, business to significant transactions between individuals, individuals. The papers on the graduation project , systematically describes the design and implementation of the entire e-commerce system .
System is mainly to solve three problems : 1 , the development of web application. 2 , solve the security problem of database access . 3, the design and implementation of shopping cart technology. Database security is to prevent SQL injection security issues , using PreparedStatement to be pre- compiled sql statement , thus avoiding the use of Statement SQL injection problems arise . By analyzing the characteristics and functions of a shopping cart , decided to use the shopping cart information stored in the database , operating shopping cart, shopping cart in the database table corresponding to the corresponding operation . All functions of the system based on user module B / S mode to achieve the user module and administrator module include : user login and registration , browsing merchandise , query, add to cart, purchase and review functions. Administrator modules include: administrator login , user management, product management, review management, system management announcement .
The system interface is simple and clear, easy to operate, interact better. Realization of the system can provide a lot of convenience for businesses , the traditional mode of shopping to online shopping patterns , avoiding the many problems encountered in reality shops. For members of the mall , more convenient to buy their goods and selection , patrons can enjoy shopping at home.
Keywords: B2C; electronic mall; online shopping; system implementation;
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 选题背景 1
1.2 国内外现状 1
1.3 研究目的和意义 2
1.4本课题研究内容 2
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