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摘 要
To change the engine used to spread transmission of torque and wheel speed, the aim of starting in place, climb, turn and accelerate a variety of driving conditions, different vehicle traction and speed, while the engine in the most favorable range conditions.Therefore, the reasonability of the structure design of a transmission gearbox directly affects the vehicles dynamic performance. It is usually required shifting gears rapidly and conveniently, saving force, and having a higher working efficiency and low working noises.
The design of the five forward file plus a reverse of the transmission medium-sized special vehicle. In order to make the transmission more broad range of applications, application to a different project, make a check of the power transmission device. Transmission use of the middle axis, shifting the form of using the synchronizer gear shift and sliding to make the shift easy and reliable. Manipulation of institutions with self-locking and interlocking devices.
Using the given basic parameters, it was firstly determined the transmission ratio of each shift, the shaft center distances, the gear modulus, the gear pressing angles and widths, and so on. And then the general dimension of the gearbox, including its length, width and height , and then on the intermediate shaft and the block to check gear. During the design process, using CAXA mapping, the use of software programming MATALAB. The final assembly drawing and components drawing Fig.
Through this design, so that the design of the transmission of reliable, efficient transmission.
Key words:Transmission,,Synchronizer,Gear,Take out of power
第一章 前 言 1
第二章 变速器结构概述 2
第三章 变速器各主要参数的设计计算 3
3.1 变速器传动比的确定 3
3.2 中心距的初步确定 4
3.3 轴的直径的初步确定 4
3.4 齿轮模数的确定 5
3.5 齿轮压力角的选择 5
3.6 各档齿轮齿数的分配 5
3.7变位系数的选择 7
3.8 齿轮齿宽的设计计算 7
3.9 变速器同步器的设计计算 8
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