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各专业完整优秀毕业论文设计图纸 摘 要 本次毕业设计课题来自企业的生产实际课题,是在原有车型平台基础上针对企业新开发的一款中高档SUV汽车。该车型前悬架结构形式采用双横臂式独立悬架。在车轮上下跳动时,这种结构的悬架可以减少车轮沿路面的位移,使主销内倾角、主销后倾角以及轮距的变化相对较小,从而保证四轮定位参数在理想的变化范围内。 本文针对该款SUV汽车的前悬架系统进行设计,计算和设计的主要内容是:螺旋弹簧和横向稳定杆。先通过计算力的传递比及行程传递比,得出螺旋弹簧的刚度,随后对螺旋弹簧进行设计及计算,经过三套方案的分析比较后,确定出最合理的弹簧直径。在横向稳定杆的设计中,在难以利用材料力学方法求解的情况下,利用有限元分析法求出其扭转刚度。 前悬架系统运用CATIA软件进行三维建模,模型建立后用ADAMS软件对其进行运动学仿真分析,得出主销内倾角、主销后倾角、前轮前束及轮距与车轮跳动量之间的变化关系,并与理想值进行比较。考虑前悬架在不平路面上,受冲击较大,前悬架各部件受载也较大,最后对其各部件用CAE软件进行应力分析,以保证其强度要求。 关键词:前悬架,SUV,分析,四轮定位 The Design of SUV Front Suspension ABSTRACT This graduation design is an actual issue from some enterprise,and is the design of the original model based on the development platform for the high-grade section of SUV. The type of the front suspension structure is double-wishbone independent suspension. The next beat in the wheel, this structure will reduce the wheels along the surface displacement and enable the suspension kingpin inclination, castor angle and tire distance do not change much, so that four parameters of positioning are within the ideal changes. The passage is the design of this SUV automobile front suspension,its main task of calculation and design are spring and anti-roll bar. By calculating the force transmission ratio and the travel transmission ratio, the stiffness of the spring is got.Compared with three programs of analysis, the most reasonable spring diameter is obtained.In case of failing to use mechanical methods to calculate the torsional stiffness of the anti-roll bar, FEA method is used. CATIA software is used to the front suspension system for 3D modeling,after that used ADAMS kinematic simulation analysis,the change of the camber angle,kingpin inclination angle,caster angle and toe angle with the wheel beating appeared.Thinking of the front suspension for larger loads, the various components of its stress analysis are dealed by CAE software to ensure their strength requirement. Key words: front suspesion, SUV, analysis,4-wheel position SUV汽车前悬


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