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本科毕业论文 论文题目: 高真空系统的维修与检测 院 系: 物理学 专 业: 物理学 姓 名: 学 号: 0519090 指导教师: 职 称: 高级讲师 2009 年 6 月 9 日 学生姓名 陈梓 学 号 0519090 专 业 物理学 指导教师姓名 乐永康 职 称 高级讲师 部 门 物理学系 论文题目 高真空系统的维修与检测 论文摘要: 真空技术在现代科学研究和生产实践中的应用非常广泛,真空科学是一门重要的学科方向。懂得如何操作和检测真空系统,甚至学会如何维护一个真空系统是一项重要的实验技能。 本文的主要工作是修复一套多年未维护且有故障的用于制作弗兰克赫兹实验管的高真空系统,并以此为例,讲述了高真空的获得、检测和维护的相关知识。最后对修复后的系统进行了抽速、器壁放气等测试,比较了两种不同的粗真空计的测量结果,并对所得到的结果进行了分析讨论。 关键词: 高真空技术 真空系统的维修 真空检测 Abstract Vacuum technique is widely used in modern research and daily practice. Vacuum science is a very important subject. The main purpose of this work is to repair a high-vacuum system, which was used for the fabrication of Frank-Hertz tube. The system has not been operated for several years. Based on this, this thesis introduced systematically related topics on operation, measurement and maintenance of a high-vacuum system. At last, pumping speed and out-gassing of the chamber were investigated on the repaired system. As well, measuring results from two different kinds of gauge for coarse vacuum were compared. Related topics were further discussed. Key words High-vacuum technology, repair a high-vacuum system, vacuum testing 摘要 真空技术在现代科学研究和生产实践中的应用非常广泛,真空科学是一门重要的学科方向。懂得如何操作和检测真空系统,甚至学会如何维护一个真空系统是一项重要的实验技能。 本文的主要工作是修复一套多年未维护且有故障的用于制作弗兰克赫兹实验管的高真空系统,并以此为例,讲述了高真空的获得、检测和维护的相关知识。最后对修复后的系统进行了抽速、器壁放气等测试,比较了两种不同的粗真空计的测量结果,并对所得到的结果进行了分析讨论。 关键词 高真空技术 真空系统的维修 真空检测 Abstract Vacuum technique is widely used in modern research and daily practice. Vacuum science is a very important subject. The main purpose of this work is to repair a high-vacuum system, which was used for the fabrication of Frank-Hertz tube. The system has not been operated for several years. Based on this, this thesis introduced systematically related topics on operation, measurement and maintenance of a high-v


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