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2010 年厦门大学英语翻译基础真题答案 I. Term Translation(English-Chinese) 1. [人名] 尼特 2. n.全球变暖 3. Vt. 删除好友,即,将某人从社交网站(如Facebook 等)的‘好友’ 中删除 4. The APEC summit will take place in Hanoi in November this year. 亚太经合高峰会将于今年十一月在河内举行。5. 猪流感病毒/ 甲型病毒 6. 植树节 [ ˈɑ:bə] 7. 时髦的事情 8. 爱好 Fishing is my cup of tea. 钓鱼是我的爱好。 9. 它是由 information 和 entertainment 两个单词组合并拼作而成,意为“新闻娱乐化” 。10. Kent describes himself as just an average Joe. 肯特视自己为一名普通的美国人。11. Moon away a whole afternoon 胡思乱想 地度过整个下午/Are you going to moon away the whole of your life ?你就准备虚度一生?12. He had put two and two together and decided where they had probably, gone. 衡量种种事实后,他确定他们可能的去向。/ If you put two and two together, there can be only one conclusion. 根据事实推断, 只可能有一个结论。/ He’s inclined to put two and two together and make five (= make an incorrect guess from what he sees, hears, etc.). 他 爱捕风捉影,听风就是雨。13. Now, I would like to give the floor to Mr. He. 下面有请何先生。14. Disposable Chopsticks Hid Murderous Intentions. 一次性筷子暗藏杀机。15. 可回收的旧报纸 II. Term Translation(Chinese-English) 1. Intellectual Property Rights 2.one of the best ten cities in terms of quality of life in China 3. pirate software(pirate 侵害版权者;盗版者) 4. over-capacity of production: relieve the acute problem of over-capacity of production. 缓 解产能过剩的尖锐问题. 5. late marriages and late childbirth 6. the Warring States period 7. make become international famous brand 8. Institute of Oceanographic Sciences(Institute of Oceanographic Sciences,British 英国 海洋科学研究所) 9. safe drinking water 10. The peasant workers 11. Black case work 12. the Double Ninth Festival/ the ninth day of the ninth moon 13. science fiction 14. the law of universal gravitation 15. former Soviet Union III. Passage Translation(English-Chinese) 今天我想着重讲一讲当前金融危机对亚太地区的重大影响之一,即国内需求降低。我尤其想探讨一下造成 这种状况的原因。 全球发展中国家的产权投资市场自从



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