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中国文化软实力 China and Cultural Power The decision by China’s Central Committee in October to boost the country’s cultural power prompts two questions. What is Chinese culture, and what does the Government want to do with it? 中国共产党中央委员会 10 月份做出了增强中国文化实力的决定,这引出了两个问题。第一,什 么是中国文化,第二,政府打算用文化实力做什么。 China enjoys one of the world’s oldest and most venerated cultures with unbroken lines of excellence stretching over thousands of years from well before the beginnings of Greek and Roman cultures and continuing strongly up to today. Who else can celebrate such longevity in their architecture, painting, calligraphy, literature, music and furniture design, not to mention their food? 中国拥有世界上最古老、最受崇敬的文化之一,其起源远远早于希腊文化和罗马文化,绵延数千 年不间断地传承下来,至今仍然强盛。除了中国以外,还有哪个国家的建筑、绘画、书法、文学、 音乐、家具设计,当然还有美食,能享有如此久远的历史? But the Committee’s discussion on culture, its first for over 15 years, was only partly concerned with heritage. It was more worried about economics. Minister of Culture Cai Wu said cultural industries should be a pillar of the national economy. 中共中央 15 年来首次就文化展开讨论,但只有一部分涉及文化遗产,而更多的是在忧虑经济。 文化部部长蔡武表示,文化产业应当成为“国民经济支柱性产业”。 But so far China’s creative economy lags behind other countries. Although statistics on these industries are contentious (and not just in China), Cai Wu said China’s cultural industries’ output in 2010 was RMB 1.1 trillion (US$173 billion) which was 2.78% of GDP. By comparison, Europe’s cultural industries contribute about 5% and in America about 7% of GDP. 但到目前为止中国的创意经济还落后于其它国家。虽然这些产业的统计数据常常充满争议(不仅 在中国如此),但蔡武指出,中国文化产业在 2010 年的产出达 1.1 万亿元人民币(合 1730 亿美 元),占国内生产总值(GDP)的比重为 2.78%。相比之下,欧洲的文化产业贡献了 GDP 的约 5% , 美国则贡献了 7%左右。 The Government has set a target of 5% of GDP by 2016. Most of this growth will come naturally from rising consumer wealth. China is following the pattern of all countries where, as average income rises, and people’s needs for food, clothing and housing are met, so they spend proportionally more on services that give them sta


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