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12 2 Vol. 12 No. 2 2009 6 JOURNAL OF SH ANGH AI DIAN JI UN IVERSITY Jun . 2009 167 122730( 2009 0220169204 1 2 2 , , ( 1. 上海市南电力集团有限公司, 上海200233; 2. 上海交通大学 电子信息与电气工程学院, 上海200240 : , , , , , : ; ; ; : T M 432 : A Analysis of Transformer Models in P ower Electronic Circuits 1 2 2 F EN G Wei , WAN G Yanan , XIAODengming ( 1. Shanghai Shinan Electric Power Group Co. , Lt d. , Shanghai 200233, China; 2. School of Electronic, Informat ion and Electrical Engineering, Shanghai Jiaot ong U niversity , Shanghai 200240, China Abstra ct : In this p ap er , the lumped full model of the tr an sform er in power electronic circuit s is present ed, and two simplified methods are given . T he models of the int ermediat e frequencies tran s2 former ar e derived, nam ely the t im e respon se characterist ics model and the energy transmission char2 act erist ics model. Analysis of the paramet er s calculat ion method of the above models, and the princi2 ple of the select ion of differ ent models are given in the actual circuit analy sis. At last , the prot otyp e and the experimental plat form are structured. Experiments have been car ried out , and the result s demonstrate the correctness of the t im e respon se characteristics model of the transfor mer . Key word s: power electronics; transformer ; model; p arameters , , 2 [ 123] , , 10~ 50 kH z, : 20092 042 19 : ( 19742 , , , , E2mail : fengw eisl@hotmail. com; ( 195


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