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癌症疼痛因應量表之發展與癌症疼痛因應行為之探討 Development of a Cancer Pain Coping Strategies Questionnaire and the Use of Pain Coping Strategies among Cancer Patients 林佳靜(Chia-Chin Lin) 摘要 本研究之主要目的為:(1)發展一適用於本土且具有信度及效度之「癌症疼痛因 應行為量表」,及(2 )利用此量表探討癌症病人常用之疼痛因應行為及因應行為 之使用與疼痛情形之相關。本研究分二階段:第一階段為利用半結構式訪談與內 容分析法,以暸解台灣之癌症病人之疼痛因應方法,於此階段共有五十位患有癌 痛之病患參與訪談。第二階段則根據研究一所得之結果所發展出之「癌症疼痛因 應量表」,檢定其信度及效度,並探討 134 位癌症病人常用之疼痛因應行為及因 應行為之使用與疼痛情形之相關。本研究的主要結果顯示「癌症疼痛因應行為量 表」具有可接受的內在一致性,再測信度及效度。再者,患有癌症疼痛的病人使 用許多不同種類的疼痛因應行為以緩解其疼痛,包括行為因應及認知因應;其 中,病人較常使用的因應行為包括,服用止痛藥,向醫護人員報告疼痛,固定不 動或休息,以及忍耐或認命等,而有部分病人較少使用的因應行為有針灸、打坐 或冥想,以及使用冷熱敷等。最後,病人使用之疼痛因應行為與病人之個人法本 資料、疼痛強度、疼痛對生活之影響程度有關。 Abstract The purposes of this study were twofold: (l) to develop a reliable and valid “Cancer Pain Coping Strategies Questionnaire” for Taiwanese cancer patients, and (2) to explore the use of pain coping strategies among Taiwanese cancer patients. This study consisted of two steps. Study 1 was to explore the coping strategies used by Taiwanese patients suffering from cancer pain. In study 1, fifty patients were interviewed using a semi-structured interview guide and the result was analyzed by content analysis. Study 2 was to establish the reliability and validity of this questionnaire and to explore the use of pain coping strategies in a sample of 134 patients with cancer pain. The preliminary findings revealed that this questionnaire had acceptable internal consistency, test-rest reliability, and content validity; patients with cancer pain employed a variety of coping strategies to relieve their pain; there were some coping behaviors more likely to be used, such as use of medications, rest, and tolerating; some coping behaviors were less likely to be used, such as acupuncture, meditation, and use of heat/cold; finally, the adapted coping behaviors



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