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20 11 15 1 Jou nal of Clinical M edicine in P act ice ∀39 ∀ 曾建伦, 彭济勇, 江 亮, 汤江林, 李 艳, 鲁志兵, 占志强, 徐新颜, 朱泽文, 温莹浩 ( , , 337000) : ( ) 37 2 ( n = 16) : , 135 mg, 3 ( 360 h) , 21 d ( n = 21) : , 15 mg, 500 mL , 1~ 14 , 7 ; , 21 1 1 , 2 ( P 0.01) ; 2 , : / ; ; ; : R 730. 5 : A : 2011) Therapentic effect of endostar durative transfusion combined with chemotherapy on kinds of advanced malignancies ZENGJianlun, PENGJiyong, JI NG Liang, T NGJianglin, LI Yan, LU Zhibing, ZH N Zhiqiang, XU Xinyan, ZHU Zewen, WEN Yinhao ( Dep ar tment of Oncology , P ingx iang P eop le!s H osp ital , P ingx iang , JiangX i, 337000) BSTR CT: Objective T o obse ve p ospect ively and syst em at ically t he efficacy and safety of hendost at in inject ion( YH16, Endosta ) du at ive t ansf usion combined w ith t he chemot he apy on kinds of advanced malignancies. Methods Endost a combined w it h chemothe apy w e e adminis t at ed to 37 malignant cases of St age ~ conf i med by histopathology o cytopat hology . T he 37 pat ient s we e andomly divided int o tw o g oups: expe iment al g oup ( n = 16) t eat ed wit h endosta du at ive t ansf usion combined w it h chemot he apy: 135 mg endosta was solved in 3 minit ansfe pump w as administ e ed by cont inuous infusion f o 360 hou s and epeat ed aft e 21 days late . Con t ol g oup ( n = 21) , t eat ed w it h endost a combined w it h chemot he apy, w as confi med by histopathology o cytopathology. 15 mg endost a solved in 500 mL of no mal saline w as slow 21int avenously d opped f om day 1 t o day 14 and epeat ed 7 days lat e .



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