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Revision of Module 3 学生讲义.doc

Revision of Module 3 Teaching procedures Step 1 Warming up Step 2 Revision Part 1 高频单词思忆 ◆ Word spelling 1)Having been refused again, he felt rather________(绝望). 2)He refused all ________(酬谢)and honors. 3.)He finally succeeded in _____(逃跑). 4.)A large amount of oil was ______ (非法) exploited in the last century. 5.)The spy was ______(绞死)as soon as he was caught. 6.)The two naughty boys were ______(耳语) in class. 7.)Eating vegetables can keep us _______(健康). 8.)Sheep mainly _______(以…为食) on grass. 9.)They would to be ______(分配) tickets. 10.) Large numbers of people died of _____ (饥饿) . 11.)He ______(取得) success through hard work. 12.)The prime Minister expressed his _____(关心) over the stick. 13.) He just _______(吞吃)his food ; he’s always in a hurry. 14.0 Exercise will improve your ______(食欲) for food. 15). Mary ______(抓住)the letter from her and began to read out loudlyo 16).Because of his poor ______(营养) , he was grown weaker and weaker.. 17). We think that his son is a ______(残暴的) boy. 18.)I can only give you a ______(粗略) estimate of the cost. 19.) I’ll _______(回报) the money I owe them next week. 20).He ____(积累)a lot of experience in finance while working abroad. ◆ Dictation about the important words. (自测互批) Part 2重点词组再现 ◆Revise the following phrases by asking and answering (复习提问) 1.a large \ huge amount of 2. in. astonishment / excitement 3. stare at a weaker voice 5. need doing /to be done 6.reward sb. for = offer a reward for… to sb. 7. bring sth. to the attention of sb. 8. hold on to 9. be\ become fond of 10. hit sb. on \ in the … seize / lead … by the …. 11. become \ be wild with 12 . escape doing \ from 13.had intended to do 14.pick out 15. in one抯 early/ late thirties 16. offer a reward to sb. \ for sth. 17. be desperate with hunger and misery 18. be cruel to 19. treat sb. badly


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