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sectionA 好课件.ppt

Unit 4 What would you do? A:If I had a million dollars, I would give it to … 1.hundred, thousand ,million与数字连用不能用复数。a million dollars 2.hundreds of、thousands of、millions of中必须用复数。 What if …… 如果……将会怎么样?(引导条件状语从句、疑问句) eg What if she doesn’t come? 她要是不来怎么办? What if your parent don’t agree? 如果你的父母不同意怎么办? * * * 学习内容:section A 1a--4 学习目标: 1.学会用if 表示假设 2.使用虚拟语气给别人提建议 3.掌握新词 charity, medical, research, nervous, present, million Speaking practice: 2.What would you do if you had a million dollars? Q: 1.Do you want to have a lot of money? buy a new car for myself buy a big house for my parents If I had a million dollars, Id… medical research charity A:What would you do if you had a million dollars? B: If I had a million dollars, Id … put the money in the bank C: If I were you, Id… If I were you, Id… give the money to the zoo and help the pandas If I were a bird, I would fly in the sky B:If I had a million dollars,Id … travel around the world. A:What would you do if you had a million dollars? A:If I were you ,Id… 1.如果我们说的不是事实,而只是一种假设、愿望、或是与现在事实相反,就用虚拟语气。 探究总结 Take notes, please! 2.虚拟语气还可用来给别人提出建议。 If you had a million dollars, I would buy snacks? If I were you , I would give her a present. 从句谓语动词用过去式,be动词用were 主句would+动词原形 Take notes, please! Practice Bar 1. I ’m very busy.If I ____(have)time, I would go to the party. 2.If I ______(be) you ,I would take a taxi. 3.If she ____(be)in your place,she would think differently. 4.If I had ______(million) of dollars,I __________ (give) it to ________(medicine)research. 5. There are two ________(hundred)students in the shool. 6.If it _____(rain)tomorrow,I will stay at home. had rains were millions medical would give were hundred Take notes, please! 3.当前面有表示不确定数目的词many,several,some等时,应用millions of,意为“数以百万的”。如:Many millions of people in the world are sending and receiving e-mails every day. millions 知识点 牛刀小试 singer player lawyer student children fath


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