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560 2011 5 32 5 Chi J SchH ealth, M ay 2011, Vol. 32, No. 5 夏凌翔, 石绪亮 , 400715 16, 2 304 P 0. 05 P 0. 01 , ; ; ; ; R 395. 6 B 845. 67 A 1000-9817 2011 05-0560-02 Relationship between self-supporting personality and social support of the juniorm iddle school students inW enchuan earthquakearea/X IA L ing-x iang, SH I X u-liang. School of P sych ology, Sou thw est University, Chongqing 400715 , Ch ina Abstract Objective To explore the relatio ship bewt ee self-supporti g perso ality a d social support am o g the ju ior m iddle school stude ts i W e chua earthquake area after 16m o ths. M ethods A total of 304 stude ts of wt o ju ior m iddle schools i Dujia gya w ere surveyed by Self-Supporti g Perso ality Scale ofAdo lesce t Stude ts SSPS - AS a d Social Support Rati g Scale SSRS . Results M ost self-supporti g traits of ju iorm iddle school stude ts i W e chua earthquake areaw ere sig ifica tly correlatedw ith social support. Regressio a alysis i dicated that self-supporti g tra its could sig ifica tly predict social support. onclusion Sel-f supporti g perso ality is of be efit to socia l support. To trai self- supporti g perso ality of stude tsw ill be u seful to mi prove the m e tal a d physical health of stude ts after the earthquake. Keywords Perso a lity; Social support; Regressio a alysis; Stude ts; Natural disasters 2, 380 , , 1, 32% 304 133 , [ 1] 162, 9 ; 110 , 105, 80 , [ 2- 3] , 9 , 1. 2 方法 , [ 4] , , : 1 , [ 5- 6] [ 14] , , 10 , 3 [ 15] , [ 7- 8] , 2 , , [ 16- 17] , 2 self-supporti g perso - 2, 5 ality, SSP , [ 9- 10] , [ 11- 12] 5 ; [ 13] 5 , 1. 3 统计分析 SPSS 15. 0 [ 13] , 2 2. 1 初中生自立人格与社会支持的关系 1 1 1. 1 对象 16, 1 r * * * * * * * * * * * * 0. 17 0. 23 0. 25 0. 14 0. 21 0. 10 0. 22 0. 13 0. 03 0. 10 * 0. 03 0. 05 0. 13 0. 01 0. 02 0. 04 0. 06 0. 02 - 0. 06 0. 06 * * * * * * * * * * 0. 10 * * * - 0. 05 * 0. 20 0. 28 0. 23 0. 20 0. 24 0. 25 0. 15 0. 12 * * * * * *


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