新编大学英语视听说教程3 第二版 课后答案.doc

新编大学英语视听说教程3 第二版 课后答案.doc

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新编大学英语视听说教程3 第二版 课后答案.doc

Unit1 PART2 EX1 FFTFTT outside world at home wave hollo bow look straight in the eyes openly look at my feet shy silent EX2 1.sensitive independent caring understanding (any two of the words) 2.good friend 3.life people 4.learning being aware BCADB PART3 EX1 ice-skating chemistry outgoing bright and funny . moody self-centered/self-centred wavy blond medium height runner-up TFTFFT EX2 4 Colleagues Teacher Sussan Barbara DBCAABDCDA EX3 bcdae favo(u)rite way to relax how to divide bad unripe stiff sore fastening a basketball hoop EX4 FTFFT flattering critical popular reserved English understand the Scots English the friendliest people most hospitable much nicer than English courtesy no views on the matter/no comment PART4 SEC1 upset sensible lecture calm strength landed waving perfectly widly bee SEC2 BBDBDACB SEC3 secretary hardworking efficent private army officer help fond independent shy 15 Unit2 PART2 EX1 BBABC TFTTFT EX2 AABCC TFTTFF EX3 stayed around mouse catcher rats and mice got a paw weak and thin make a wooden paw fastened it grow sleek and fat managed peered out cautiously seized it with eighteen mice PART3 EX1 BAACD FTTFTFFT EX2 CDJ AEGH BFI ABDCBD EX3 BDCDA FTFFFT EX4 BCBADA FFTTF PART4 SEC1 CBCBAC SEC2 TFFFTFTT SEC3 1867 shipped millionaire land cattle million cowboys camera hero adventures Unit3 PART2 EX1 BCDA FTFTFT EX2 BDAD 30s male 1.90 long wavy light red sweater beard EX3 BCDA 1 4 5 7 PART3 EX1 natural riches desert extinction species oxygen economic development conservation valuable income awareness slow down TFFT EX2 FFTT South America pet food enough protein develop much more Asia Africa position natural resources gone down steady continued to rise getting richer and richer EX3 the first few seconds so thin beings from another planet focused on looked directly at All around until now despair grief and disgust started crying who was sleeping peacefully 12358 EX4 BCAC love together mother house school friends father month beach call PART4 SEC1 c


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