外研社 BOOK 8 Module 4 Which English Language Points.doc

外研社 BOOK 8 Module 4 Which English Language Points.doc

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外研社 BOOK 8 Module 4 Which English Language Points.doc

外研社 BOOK 8 Module 4 Which English Language Points The quality of someone’s voice and their choice of words make a person instantly recognizable, even though you can’t se him or her. 一个人的音质及措词都让这个人立即被分辨出来,即使看不见上水。 even though= even if 意思为“即使”引导让步状语从句。又如: Even if it rained so hard, the girl still wanted to go through the forest alone. 其它引导让步状语从句的还有: although , though, whether…or… however(=no matter how), whatever(= no matter what), whoever(= no matter who) whenever(= no matter when), wherever (= no matter where. although 与though 都表示“虽然“, 只是although g更正式,多用于句首,而though 用于句中,两者都可以与yet 连用。 Although /Though they are poor, they often help others. They are poor, but they often help others. Although he has failed many times, he doesn’t give up trying. Whatever /No matter what you say, I won’t believe you. No matter who you are, you must obey the rules of our school. However hard he tried, he failed again. instantly “立即地” She solved the question instantly. 她立刻解决了那个问题。 The man has an instantly recognizable. 这个人长了一幅可以认得出的面孔。 instantly conj 一……就 I recognized her instantly I saw her. 我一看见她就把她认出来了。 Instant adj 立即的,紧迫的,刻不容缓的,速容的 He is a patient in instant need of first aid. 他是一个急需抢救的病人。 His new book became an instant success. 他的新书立即获得成功。 the instant一……就 She began to cry the instant she read the letter. 他一读那封信就哭了起来。 In this sense everybody’s use of language ---- whether English, Chinese, or any other ---- is different . 从这种意义上来说,每个人对语言的使用―――不管是英语,汉语或者任何其他语言――― 都是一样的。 in this sense “ 从这层意义上。 感觉 sense of fatigue and hunger 疲劳和饥饿的感觉。 sense of beauty 美感 sense of touch 触觉 a keen sense of humor 敏锐的幽默感 sense of shame 羞耻感 合理的或有道理的事物 There’s no sense in waiting three hours. 等三小时是不合理的 习惯用法 in a sense 在某一方面; 就某种意义 in a sense, learning a foreign language leads you to a new world. make sense 有意义有道理 What he said doesn’t make sense to me. make sense off 理解;明白 We are still not very clear about how a baby makes sense of the language spoken to it as it grows up. It is also quite easy to tell Brit


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