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2009年第 4 期 植物检疫 PLAN T QUARAN TIN E Vol. 23 No. 4 木质包装热处理国际标准对松材线虫有效性的 试验研究 1 1 1 1 2 3 詹国平  王 新  李 丽  王跃进  杨赛军  张瑞峰 ( 1 中国检验检疫科学研究院 北京  100029 2 舟山出入境检验检疫局  3 天津出入境检验检疫局 ) C onf irm a tory test on the va lid ity of hea t trea tm en t of I SPM 15 to d isinfesta tion of B u rsaph e len ch u s xylo 1 1 1 1 2 ( ph ilu s in wood packag ing m a ter ia l. Zhan Guop ing , W ang X in , L i L i , W ang Yuej ing , Yang Shaijun 1. Ch ine se A cadem y of In sp ection and Quaran tine, B eij ing, 100029 , 2. Zhou shan En try - Exit In sp ection and Quar an tine Bu reau , 3. Tianj in En try - Exit In sp ection and Quaran tine B u reau) A b stract To validate heat treatm en t requ irem en t of ISPM 15 to disinfe station of P ine wood nem atode (B u rsap he lenchus xy lop h ilus) in wood p ackaging m aterial, lum ber and b lock m ade from M a sson P ine w ith differen t mo istu re ( ) con ten t MC , wh ich wa s natu rally infe sted w ith P ine wood nem atode and sawed to 3 k ind s of size, wa s heat trea ted under the hot air w ith the temp eratu re rang of 65 ~85 ℃ and R elative Hum idity of 50% ~90% to reach the core temp eratu re of 56 ℃ and more than 30m in du ration. The re su lts show s that the mortality of the nem atode s in all wood s excep t in 10 ×10 ×80cm lumber w ith MC below 30% m eet the requ irem en t of mortality of p rob it 9 un der 95% confidence level, the po ssib le rea son for the excep tion wa s due to the core temp eratu re in wood or du ra tion le ss than the requ irem en t of ISPM 15. Keywords wood p ackaging m aterial, p ine wood nem atode, heat t


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