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adapt vt.使适应(合);修改/改编 adapt a novel =a novel is adapted from… Adapt( herself )quickly to the new climate/the job /new circumstances Adopt vt.采用,收养 an adopted son/daughter adopt a new method adopt the new technology/the policy beneath the horizon/the waves Police force evil force labour force …with force force sb to do/into doing take sth/sb away by force power---energy---strenghth There live/happen/seem/appear/ remain (vi) Once upon a time, there lived a man whose name was Joe Beef. There happened an event. There seems to be no doubt about it. There are some new words on the blackboard. On the blackboard there are some new words. On the ground lay a boy. On this lake was an island. On this lake (there) was an island. From the top of the hill could be seen the whole city and its surroundings. lonely ?a.孤独的;b.偏僻的/荒凉的 他的朋友很少,因此他的生活非常孤单。 He has so few friends that his life is lonely. A lonely island, miles off the coast, with four inhabitants--it was an ideal hideout. alone ?a./ ad.单独的(地);仅仅 I was alone in the classroom. Julie alone knew the truth. =Only Julie knew the truth. go to prison be in prison /out of prison put somebody in prison release somebody from prison escape from prison prisoners of war Suffer from cancer / high blood pressure Suffer a great loss/defeat Suffer a great deal To some life means pleasure, to others suffering. release a prisoner / hostage release a movie / book / CD / an album/ record 发行…唱片 the latest new releases最新的发行物 the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere a sense of release after the exam …解脱的感 a newly-released film Fall in love with sb =lose one's heart Don’t lose heart 失去勇气,丧失信心 我们教室前面矗立着一棵参天的古树。(stand) 上周, Henry由于生病不得不待在家里。(force) 在寒假, 我经常熬夜,与朋友在网上聊天。(chatting) 我们学校急需一位老师, 一位具备良好历史知识的老师。(one who…) “幽灵”对Christine的吻如此深受感动以至于高兴得哭了起来。(So…) 随着现代社会的发展,电脑在人们的日常生活中起着越来越重要的作用. (play a role in) 1.他没有被邀请就闯进了屋里. (burst) 2.战争一结束,当地政府就决定释放所有的战犯. (release) 3.他从失火的建筑物内救出了三个孩子。(res


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