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第一讲 翻译主体——译者 Lesson 1 The Subject of Translation —the Translator About me liguoyu85@ The English Language and Literature (2003-2007) British and American Literature (2007-2010) Translation (2005-- ) Courses: English Speaking, Comprehensive English, Chinese-English Translation, English Translation of Chinese Classics (2010- ) Interests: Literature, (poetry) Translation, Psychology, Philosophy, History, Science, Society About this course Pragmatic Translation Science Business Law News Advertisement Tourism Political Propaganda What will we do? Translation theory Translation skills/techniques Guided reading TRANSLATE, TRANSLATE, TRANSLATE! You call yourself a translator? Are you a bilinguist? an attentive reader? a capable searcher? a skilled (creative) writer? Some relevant issues 译德 (a translator’s ethics) 忠诚与背叛 (loyalty and betrayal) “开箱子的钥匙” (the key) 1. 译德 “他(指译者)有他应负的责任,他有他应守的道德。如果负不起应负的责任,不遵守道德,是没有做译者的资格的。” ——杨镇华:《翻译研究》(1935) Some unseen fingers like idle breeze, are playing upon my heart the music of the ripples. 译文:有些看不见的人物,如懒懒的飔似的,正在我们的心头,奏着潺湲的乐声。 He leans back, one arm around an upraised knee. 译文:他身子向前倾着,一只胳膊撑在踮起的腿上。 2.忠诚与背叛 Translations are like women—when they are faithful they are not beautiful, when they are beautiful they are not faithful. “从一种文字出发,积寸累尺地度越那许多距离,安稳到达另一种文字里,这是很艰辛的历程。一路上颠顿风尘,遭遇风险,不免有所遗失或受些挫伤。因此,译文总有失真和走样的地方。” ——罗新璋:《我国自成体系的翻译理论》(1983) Curvaceous Patricia Potts, the girl with the smashing silhouette who was Scunthorpe’s Dish of the Month in October—the dishiest dish in the area—was dished up with a dish of trouble on her way from bingo last night. 译文:帕特里夏·波茨是位体形优美的姑娘,侧影更加娇美。她是(东英格兰)斯根塔浦城本月(10月)选出的美女,即该地区最漂亮的姑娘。昨夜从赌场回家路上有人找了她大麻烦。 阿呆给领导送红包时,两人的对话颇有意思。    领导:“你这是什么意思?”    阿呆:“没什么意思,意思意思。”    领导:“你这就不够意思了。”    阿呆:“小意思,小意思。”    领导:“你这人真有意思。”    阿呆:“其实也没有别的意思。”    领导:“那我就不好意思了。”    阿呆:“是我不好意思。” “忠诚”与“背叛” If my mother had known of it, she’d have died a second time. 译文A:如果我母亲知道这件事,她一定会死第二


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