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Work Group A group who interacts primarily to share information(分享信息) and to make decisions to help one another perform within each member’s area of responsibility(帮助各个成员各司其职). Individuals work alone, not collectively, on a task. Performance is the summation of all of the group member’s individual contributions(绩效只是所有群体成员个体贡献的简单汇总). Work Team Generates positive synergy through coordinated effort(通过协调努力而产生积极的协同效应). Their individual efforts result in a level of performance that is greater than the sum of those individual inputs(共同的努力导致绩效水平高于个体投入的总和). Comparing Work Groups and Work Teams A Team Effectiveness Model Turning Individuals into Team Players To perform well as team members, individuals must be able to Communicate openly and honestly(开诚布公交流) Confront differences and resolve conflicts(面对冲突解决矛盾) Sublimate personal goals for the good of the team(将个人目标升华为团队的利益) The Challenge in Shaping Team Players Greatest where... The national culture is highly individualistic(高度个人主义) Introduced into organizations that historically value individual achievement(高度注重个人成就历史) Less demanding... Where employees have strong collectivist values(强大的集体主义价值观), such as Japan or Mexico In new organizations that use teams as their initial form for structuring work(将团队作为首选工作形式) Shaping Team Player塑造团队选手 Selection: Ensure that candidates can fulfill their team roles (实现团队角色)in addition to having the technical skills (专业技能)required for the job Training: Provide workshops in problem-solving, communication, negotiation, conflict-management, coaching, and group-development skills Rewards: Rework reward systems (重新改写奖励系统)to encourage cooperative efforts rather than competitive ones(鼓励合作而不只是看能力) 跨文化团队的类型 象征性文化团队Symbolic culture team (只有一个或两个队员来 自不同文化) 双文化团队Double cultural team (两边队员数量相当) 多文化团队 Multicultural team (数量相当的3个或以上文化成 员) 如何打造优秀的跨文化团队 贝雷的文化适应模型 建设跨文化团队的桥梁因素 双重文化的认同(bicultural identity integration) 高文化智商(cultural intelligence) Questions 如何打造优秀的象征性文化团队? How to establish good


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