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2006, 14 (1): 7986 doi: 10.1360/biodiv.050092 Biodiversity Science http : // · · * (, 650204) : , , (Coptis teeta) , : 130, , , , , , , 50% , , , , , , : Coptis teeta, , , , , Traditional cultivation of Coptis teeta and its values in biodiversity con- servation Ji Huang, Chunlin Long* Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650204 Abstract: Coptis teeta is an economic medicinal plant which is well protected in Yunnan. Based on ethno- botanical theory, combined with field study, community survey, and literature study, we investigated the his- tory of cultivation and traditional management of C. teeta by local Lisu people in the Gaoligong Mountain region, Yunnan. We studied the local people’s knowledge and experiences in cultivating and utilizing this plant and its significance for biodiversity protection. The results showed that, since 130 years ago, in order to sustain this important economic plant, Lisu people have developed a set of effective methods to cultivate, manage and harvest it, and thus have formed a harmonic agroforestry system with higher species diversity than other land-use types. In return, the cultivation of C. teeta has benefited local Lisu people, providing over 50% of their cash income. This kind of land-use provides a good example of effectively protecting ecosys- tems without ruining local people’s profit. Key word


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