使用IAR EW for ARM开发环境使用embos操作系统的使用手册.pdf

使用IAR EW for ARM开发环境使用embos操作系统的使用手册.pdf

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使用IAR EW for ARM开发环境使用embos操作系统的使用手册.pdf

embOS Real Time Operating System CPU Compiler specifics for ARM core using IAR Embedded Workbench Document Rev. 6 A product of Segger Microcontroller Systeme GmbH 2/26 embOS for ARM and IAR Embedded Workbench  1996-2005 Segger Microcontroller Systeme GmbH embOS for ARM and IAR Embedded Workbench 3/26 Contents Contents 3 1. About this document 4 1.1. How to use this manual 4 2. Using embOS with IAR Embedded Workbench 5 2.1. Installation 5 2.2. First steps 6 2.3. The sample application Main.c 7 2.4. Stepping through the sample application using C-SPY 7 3. Build your own application 11 3.1. Required files for an embOS application 11 3.2. Change library mode 11 3.3. Select an other CPU 12 4. ARM specifics 13 4.1. CPU modes 13 4.2. Available libraries 13 5. Compiler specifics 14 5.1. Standard system libraries 14 5.2. Thread safe system libraries 14 5.3. How to generate and use thread safe system libraries 14 5.3.1. Customization of IAR library sources 14 5.3.2. Configure and build the IAR library project 14 5.3.3. Add the thread safe system libraries to your embOS project 16 6. Stacks 17 6.1. Task stack for ARM 7 and ARM 9 17 6.2. System stack for ARM 7 and ARM 9 17 6.3. Interrupt stack for ARM 7 and ARM 9 17 6.4. Stack specifics of the ARM 7 and ARM 9 family 17 7. Interrupts 18 7.1. What happens when an interrupt occurs? 18 7.2. Defining interrupt handlers in C 18 7.3. Interrupt handling without vectored interrupt controller 19 7.4. Interrupt h


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