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Douglas K. Ross Franklin University The Chocolate Candy Branding Exercise I have used this exercise in classes ranging from Principles of Marketing to MBA level Marketing Management. This is a fun small group exercise that fits will when discussing brands and branding or when discussing the marketing mix variables. I use this after discussing what constitutes a good brand name and how the target market, packaging, etc. must be considered. It usually takes approximately 40-45 minutes but can be accomplished in as little as 30 minutes. Break the class into small groups - three or four students per group works best. On an overhead or PowerPoint I have a small paragraph explaining that each group is a marketing team that works for a company that has developed a new chocolate. The chocolate is different in that it contains a large (really extreme) amount of caffeine. The team must: Determine the most appropriate target market(s) Develop a brand name for the product Develop the packaging including colors that will be used Determine the price Determine the distribution/outlets The groups have between 20-30 minutes to accomplish this. Divide the blackboard (or give each group an overhead transparency and marker) and have them draw their product including the brand name on the board. They should also indicate the colors used on the package. This part of the activity takes approximately 5-10 minutes. A member from each group then talks about their brand. Why they chose the target market(s) they did How the came up with the brand name Why they used the colors they did and aspects of the lettering How they determined the price How their distribution fits with their target market After the students discussion I talk about the similarities in the brands and the differences, such as the various target markets or the various forms they used. Students have used regular bars, bite size, various shapes (lightning bolts and coffee cups) liquid chocolate, etc. This exercise


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