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From the Class of 2009 A Guide to Surviving Rotations Table of Contents Words of Wisdom Unit 1 First Things First First Things First Clerkship Orientation 3 week break before Clinicals Divide Objectives Notes to Keep Books to Keep Things to Buy Pocket/PC/Palm Software Scheduling Stuff Commuting AHEC Be Flexible Unit 2 First Rotation Contact Preceptor Drive By Site What To Bring Make Friends Not Enemies Typhon How to Handle Stress Evaluations Thank-You’s Site Visits Unit 3 End of Clerkships(EOCs) Pre EOC Checklist What to Expect End of Rotation Exams Parking Written Assignments-Patient Profiles Grades Post EOC Checklist Unit 4 Rotation Specific Details Family Medicine Internal Medicine Pediatrics Surgery Women’s Health Emergency Medicine Psychiatry Geriatrics Electives/Selectives Unit 5 Preceptor Specifi Details Words of Wisdom—What we know now that we wish would have known before starting rotations! “Jump at any chance you have to observe/participate in as many patient interactions as you can! This might be your one chance at seeing something really cool! “Be confident! Both the preceptor and patient can tell if you aren’t.” “Before observing/participating in any surgeries (you may see surgeries before your actual surgery rotation), be sure to drink plenty of fluids and eat a good breakfast (or lunch). And don’t lock your knees!” “Don’t forget to rest! Without rest, our minds won’t be prepared to answer the questions our preceptors ask us!” I always felt I did my best when I was able to maintain a good exercise routine, whether it was at a gym or just walking/running outside or yoga. I felt like the time I spent exercising was a good break from work/studying and really gave me an energy boost. “Don’t forget to take some time to relax in the evening before reading/studying/entering patients into Typhon. You really dont want to get behind on this. “You’ve heard it before…no question is a stupid question. Ask away…that’s the only way you’ll learn!” I wish I


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