教育数据挖掘手册Handbook of Educational Data Mining 2015 .pdf

教育数据挖掘手册Handbook of Educational Data Mining 2015 .pdf

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教育数据挖掘手册Handbook of Educational Data Mining 2015 .pdf

Handbook of Educational Data Mining Chapman Hall/CRC Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Series SERIES EDITOR Vipin Kumar University of Minnesota Department of Computer Science and Engineering Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S.A AIMS AND SCOPE This series aims to capture new developments and applications in data mining and knowledge discovery, while summarizing the computational tools and techniques useful in data analysis. This series encourages the integration of mathematical, statistical, and computational methods and techniques through the publication of a broad range of textbooks, reference works, and hand- books. The inclusion of concrete examples and applications is highly encouraged. The scope of the series includes, but is not limited to, titles in the areas of data mining and knowledge discovery methods and applications, modeling, algorithms, theory and foundations, data and knowledge visualization, data mining systems and tools, and privacy and security issues. PUBLISHED TITLES UNDERSTANDING COMPLEX DATASETS: TEXT MINING: CLASSIFICATION, CLUSTERING, DATA MINING WITH MATRIX DECOMPOSITIONS AND APPLICATIONS David Skillicorn Ashok N. Srivastava and Mehran Sahami COMPUTATIONAL METHODS OF FEATURE BIOLOGICAL DATA MINING SELECTION Jake Y. Chen and Stefano Lonardi Huan Liu and Hiroshi Motoda INFORMATION DISCOVERY ON ELECTRONIC CONSTRAINED CLUSTERING: ADVANCES IN HEALTH RECORDS ALGORITHMS, THEORY, AND APPLICATIONS Vagelis Hristid


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