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分类号:O437 U D C:密 级:公 开 编 号: 泵浦探针结构下啁啾孤子光脉冲的频谱分析 论文作者姓名: 申请学位专业: 电子科学与技术 申请学位类别: 工学学士 指导教师姓名(职称): 论文提交日期: 泵浦探针结构下啁啾孤子光脉冲的频谱分析 摘要 从忽略光纤色散和脉冲间走离效应的耦合非线性薛定谔方程出发,解析了脉冲对的非线性相移,并利用傅里叶变换,计算模拟了两脉冲的频谱随的变化规律。结果表明关键词:;脉冲;非线性相移; Frequency spectra analysis of chirped soliton optical pulse under the pump-probe structures Abstract Starting from the coupled nonlinear Schr?dinger equation where the effect of walk-off between pulses and dispersion effect are neglected, the nonlinear phase shifts of the chirped soliton optical pulse pair are analytically deduced. And utilizing the Fourier transformation, the variations of the spectral broadening characteristics of two soliton optical pulses with the input powers, propagation distance and the chirp parameter are computer simulated and discussed under the pump-probe structures. The results show that, all of the spectra are central symmetric. And with the increase of the input powers and propagation distance, the spectral broadening becomes intense and appears many spectral peaks. For the initially unchirped pulses, the spectral energy gradually becomes intense from the spectral center to the edges. While the existence of the initial chirps change this energy distribution and the spectral widths and the number of the spectral peaks. The initially negative chirp makes the spectrum become flat in the vicinity of the spectral center and decreases the number of the spectral peaks. Spectral narrowing thus occurs in this case. And the larger the negative initial chirp is, the more serious the spectral narrowing is. This can be understood by noting that the initially negative chirp is partly neutralized by the nonlinearity-induced linear and positive chirp over the center of the pulse. After adding with nonlinearity-induced linear and positive chirp, the initially positive chirp increases the number of the spectra peaks and results in an enhanced oscillatory structure. But the spectral width changes slig


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