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一、工程概况The proposed 2×150MW Coal Fired Power Plant would be set up by Maamba Collieries Limited (MCL)at a site, which falls under Sinazongwe Zambia. The project would be designed by SEPECIC, and SEPCO is the EPC contractor. The subcontractor should be responsible for the fabrication, erection, commissioning and performance testing . 中低压管道主要包括中低压给水系统、循环水系统冷却水系统、凝结水系统、真空系统、加热器疏放水及排气系统、压缩空气系统、辅助蒸汽系统以及杂项管道系统等 and LP pipe including thermal and hydraulic systems. Thermal system includes IP and LP feed water system, circulating water system and auxiliary equipment cooling water system in turbine house, condensate and makeup water system, vacuum system, heater drainage and exhaust system, compressed air system, auxiliary steam system, extraction steam system, steam turbine proper seal and miscellaneous pipeline system etc.. Hydraulic system includes circulating water pipeline, makeup water pipe in plant area, service water pipe in plant area, recovering recycling pipe in plant area, A.C.W. pipe system, ewage treatment system and Chemical water system piping, etc. 主要系统工作量: 序号系 统 名 称主要材质和规格总 1 中低压给水系统IP and LP feed water 无缝钢管:Φ~Φ508 20#/A106C 120m 2 凝结水系统 无缝钢管:Φ~Φ426 20# 260m 3 抽气系统Extraction System 无缝钢管:ΦΦ630 12Cr1MoVG/A106C/20#/Q235B 800m 4 辅助蒸汽系统uxiliary steam system 无缝钢管:Φ~Φ219 12Cr1MoVG/A106C/20#/A335P22 1000m 5 高低加疏水系统HP and LP heater drain 无缝钢管:Φ~Φ325 20#12Cr1MoVG 350m 6 压缩空气compressed air 无缝钢管:Φ~ Φ159 06Cr19Ni10 500m 7 厂区管道 Pipe in plant area 无缝钢管:~DN2220 Q235/20# 9000m 8 其它管道Other pipeline 无缝钢管:Φ~Φ219 12Cr1MoVG/A106C/20#/A335P22 5000m 二、施工技术依据、工程质量验收依据及本项工程质量目标echnical reference, quality acceptance standard and objectives 施工技术依据和工程质量验收依据echnical reference, quality acceptance standard:: 1.1 1.2 山东电力工程咨询院相关图纸及技术文件Relevant drawings offered by SEPECIC; 1.3 DL/T 5210.5 电力建设施工质量验收及评价规程 第5部分 管道及系统Code for construction quality acceptance and evaluation of electric power construct Part5:piping system; 1.4 DL5190.5 电力建设施工技术规范第5部分:管道及系统Technical stand


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