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本科生专业文献综述 题 目: 中国文化产业投资研究综述 姓 名: 李满园 学 院: 人文社会科学学院 专 业: 公共事业管理 班 级: 公管52 学 号: 2235217 指导教师: 夏如兵 职称: 副教授 2008年6月20日 南京农业大学教务处制 中国文化产业投资研究综述 公共事业管理专业学生 李满园 指导教师 夏如兵 摘要:当今中国,文化产业的崛起是一个十分引人注目的现象,它已是多元文化格局中不可或缺的一部分。文化产业投资总量太小,投融资渠道狭窄,投资方式原始,造成我国文化产业生产能力不足、市场狭小和消费不旺。学者们认为我国文化产业投资的改革措施有:降低门槛,营造公平竞争的文化产业资本市场环境;加大扶持力度,建立政府主导的文化产业风险投资基金;引导金融介人,建立银行业对文化产业投资的信贷机制;积极牵线搭桥,加大文化产业引进外资的力度。 关键词:文化产业;投资形式;融资渠道 The Summary of Cultural Industry Investment Review in China Student majoring in Public Administration Li Manyuan Tutor Xia Rubing Abstract:Nowadays china, the Cultural industries culture is a highly visible pen omen on It is the pattern of cultural diversity an integral part. The main reasons of inefficiency of production of Chinese culture , small market ,and Scholars believe that1ow demand of customers can be seen form there aspects presented as below :the relative lack of investment in entire culture industry ,narrow channel of financing and investment, un advanced investment method. Through deep analysis, the author suggests four measures to solve the problems existed in Chinese culture. The first measure is to reduce standard of entrance threshold as well as set up fair competition environment in financial market of culture industry. The second measure is to establish government-oriented venture capital of culture industry. The third measure is to introduce financial credit mechanism from banks. The last measure is through active communication to better introduce foreign investment. Key words: Culture industry;attern of investment;inancing channel 文化产业目前已成为新兴的朝阳产业,在发达国家文化产业早已成为国民经济的支柱。文化产业通过满足人们的文化消费需求,能够创造极为可观的经济价值,起到增加就业、刺激消费、涵养税源等重要作用。 一、国外文化产业投资概况 (一)政府加


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