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, Jou n al of Anhu iAg .i Sci. 2010, 38( 30) : 17211- 17212, 17218 黄小燕 李岩 1, 2 1, 2 2 1, 2 2 张京红 , 高 峰 , 官满元 , 刘少军 , 张忠伟 ( 1. , 570203; 2. , 570203) 2009年 10月 22日受热带低压低压槽和冷空气共同影响, 海 岛出现强降水天气过程, 东线高速公路发生多处滑坡地质灾害 通过对滑坡成因进行分析, 得出了东线高速公路发生多处滑坡是在特定地形条件大风和暴雨等气象因素共同作用下滑动失稳的滑 坡其中热带低压产生的强降水和大风力, 是诱发东线高速公路暴雨型滑坡的直接原因 滑坡; 灾害分析; 暴雨 + P 458. 1 21. 1 A 0517 - 6611( 2010) 30- 17211- 02 Analysis ofA Landslide of Rainstorm M odel inW anning ZHANG Jinghong et al (H a inan Institute o fM eteo olog ical Sciences, H a ikou, H a inan 570203) Abstract Due to the jo int influence o f t opical dep ession, the low p essu e zone and the co ld a i, the st ong p ecip itation synoptic p ocess occu ed in Ha inan Island onO ctobe 22, 2009, w hich caused seve al spo t landslide disaste in the eastline h ighw ay. Th ough the analy sis o f the eason of landslide fo m ation, the esult could be d aw n tha t the occu ence o f eastline h ighw ay landslides w e e the g lide losing ba lance unde the comb ined actions of topog aphica l condition, st ong w ind and heavy a infa ll. The heavy ainfall and st ong w indw e e the di ect t ig ge ing easons of eastline h ighw ay landslides. Key words Landslide; D isaste analysis; H eavy a infa ll , - - ) 12, 35, 0. 548 , , , 2 2 , 1. 3 hm , 0. 03 hm , 90% [ 1] , 25, 27, [2] , , 2009 10 18~ 22, , , 22 , 173175177163164 km 5 , , !∀, 2 m , , 1 , , , , 112 km, 139 km, , , 400 m 2 , 10 cm , 4 443. 6 km , 2 2 50 cm 1 883. 5 km


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