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Lesson Six Text A 水里那个人 The Man in the Water 和一般灾难相比,这次灾难非常可怕,但并不特殊,也不是美国有记录的最悲惨的堕机事件之一。 As disasters go, this one was terrible, but not unique, certainly not among the worst U. S. air crashes on record. 当然,不同寻常的有那座桥,还有飞机是在交通高峰期撞到桥上。另外还有这个事件发生的地点。 There was the unusual element of the bridge, of course, and the fact that the plane hit it at a moment of high traffic. Then, too, there was the location of the event. ?华盛顿这个布局合理的城市,寒冬一阵的强劲气流和金属之间的碰撞陷入混乱之中。 Washington, the city of form and rules, turned chaotic by a blast of real winter and a single slap of metal on metal. 从华盛顿国家机场起飞喷气机,?像饥饿的海鸥一样纪念这架坠落的飞机代表。 The jets from Washington National Airport that normally fly around the presidential monuments like hungry gulls are, for the moment represented by the one that fell. 美的蓝绿相间的罗里达罗里达 And there was the aesthetic clash as well—blue-and-green Air Florida, the name of a flying garden, sunk down among grey chunks of ice in a black river. Florida出自词根flo(u)r-,意为“花”。例如:floral花的,floret小花,florid华丽的,florist花匠,florescence花期,floriculture花的培养,flourish繁荣 herb=grass草:herbicide除草剂 佛罗里达州的名称来自西班牙语Florida,其意义是“多花的地方”。 佛罗里达州的名称来自西班牙语,西班牙航海家胡安?庞塞?德莱昂在1513年4月2 日,发现这片地方。时值西班牙人称为Pascua Florida(花的复活节)的节日,所以此地被德莱昂命名为La Florida。 确实,所有那些。 All that was worth noting, to be sure. 然而,除了死亡,没有什么特别的特别,千万哭泣或注意。 Still, there was nothing very special in any of it, except death, which, while always special, does not necessarily bring to tears or to attention. 那么,为什么这次事件中我们受到巨大的震动呢? Why, then, the shock here? 也许是因为看不仅仅机器故障。 Perhaps because the nation saw in this disaster something more than a mechanical failure. 也许是因为在人们看到的不是失败,而是他们自己的成功。 Perhaps because people saw in it no failure at all, but rather something successful about themselves. 这次毕竟有两种天气和人。 Here, after all, were two forms of nature in collision: the elements and human character. 上周三,冷漠的恶劣天气90次班。 Last Wednesday, the elements, indifferent as ever, brought down Flight 90. 在同一个下午,人——搜索着,挣扎着——。 n that same afternoon, human nature—groping and struggling—r


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