大学英语课程的写作能力 四六级 考研英语写作 评分标准 .doc

大学英语课程的写作能力 四六级 考研英语写作 评分标准 .doc

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大学英语课程的写作能力 四六级 考研英语写作 评分标准 .doc

大学英语课程的写作能力 四六级 考研英语写作 评分标准 Requirements and Practice of College English Writing 大学英语写作能力要求与实践 Objective 目标 ? To develop Ss’ English Writing Proficiency ? 提高学生英语书面表达能力 ? Ss are able to communicate effectively in written English ? 学生能有效地进行书面的信息交流 ? Teaching Requirements 教学要求 ? 三个层次 ? 一般要求(高等学校非英语专业本科毕业生应达到的基本要求):能掌握基本的写作 技能,着重强调的是能写常见应用文即在各种情境中的书面交际能力。 ? 较高要求 ? 更高要求(后两者强调培养学生的叙述交流能力) ? 一般要求 ? 的应用文,能就一般性话题或提纲在半小时内写出120词的短文,内容基本完整,用词恰当,语义连贯,能掌握基本的写作技能。 ? 较高要求 intermediate Requirements ? 能就一般性的主题基本表达个人观点,能写所学专业论文的英文摘要,能撰写所学 专业的英语小论文,能描述各种图表,能在半小时内写出160词的短文,内容完整,条理清楚,文理通顺。 ? 更高要求 higher requirements ? 能就一般性的主题比较自如地表达个人的观点,做到文章结构清晰,内容丰富,逻 辑性强,能用英语撰写所学专业的简短的报告和论文。能在半小时内写出200词的说明文或议论文,内容完整,文理通顺,思想表达清楚。 ? Evaluation 教学评估 Self-Assessment/Peer Assessment Form of Students’ English Writing Competence 学生英语写作能力自评/互评表 ? Basic Requirements ? Can fill in every forms, for example registration forms, application forms and ? Can write greeting cards, birthday cards, invitations, notes, messages and notices; and ? Can write simple directions, advertisements, resumes, and make posters. ? Can write simple texts describing personal experiences, events, stories, films, and ? Can write short texts of 120 words within 30 minutes on a given topic or according to an ? Can use relevant writing skills in practical and general purpose writing. ? Intermediate Requirements ? Can write abstracts or outlines of texts on general topics, expressing my opinions on an issue of public concern and making clear the reasons that I agree or disagree. ? Can write practical texts on everyday topics, with structure and expression appropriate to the form of practical writing. ? Can write well-structured short thesis about my area of specialty with the help of reference materials. ? Can write narrative, expository or argumentative texts of 160 words within 30 minutes on a given topic, with complete content, correct grammar, appropriate language and clear expression of ideas. ? Higher Requirements ? Can express my o


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