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Chinese Journal of New Drugs 2010, 19( 14)
(江苏食品职业技术学院生物工程系, 淮安 22 00 )
[] 银胶菊内酯是一种从艾菊属植物中提 的倍半萜类化合物, 作为一种西方传统药物, 具有良
好的免疫调节功效, 应用十分广泛, 在体内外实验中也显示了抗菌抗炎等药理作用在不同的细胞株中, 其
作用机制也不同文中从银胶菊内酯抑制核转录因子B( NFB)信号通路阻断 STAT 信号通路发挥其
生物活性以及抗氧化抗肿瘤等方面, 综述了近年来国外报道的有关银胶菊内酯的多种分子作用机制的研究
进展, 为银胶菊内酯进一步深入研究和开发利用提供参考
[] 银胶菊内酯; 抗炎; 抗氧化; 抗肿瘤
[] R979. 5 [] A [] 100 - 7 4( 2010) 14- 1225- 04
Advances in studies on pharm acological effect of parthenolide
(D epartment of B iologicalEngineering, Jiangsu Food Science College, H uaian 22 00 , China)
[Abstract] Parthenolide is a sesqu iterpene lactone derived from herb feverfew. As a traditional w estern
med icine, it isw idely used because of its mi munoregu lation efficacy and extensive pharmacological effects. It also
has antmi icrobial and antiinflammatory effects in vivo and in vitro. Themechanism s of parthenolide are distinct in
d ifferent cell lines. This article described the recently reported pharmacological effects of parthenolide, such as in
h ib ition of theNFB and STAT signaling pathw ay, antioxidation and antitumor effects, and review ed themolecu
larm echan ism s. It w ill provide references for exploration and utilization of parthenolide.
[K ey w ords] parthenolide; antiinflamm ation; antioxidation; antitumor
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