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郑州大学西亚斯国际学院 本科毕业论文 题 目 负债筹资风险的控制与防范 指导教师 职称 会计师 学生姓名 学号 20123020504 专 业 会计学 班级 专升本3班 院 (系) 商学院 会计系 完成时间 2014年4月7日 负债筹资风险的控制与防范 摘 要 对任何一个企业来讲,资本是它赖以生存和延续的生命源泉。除了自身拥有的一部分,企业还要筹集到更多丰厚的资金来满足其资本需求。企业负债筹资的管理工作就必须认真谨慎,把握好负债筹资的度。本文就负债筹资风险的相关理论加以研究并对负债筹资风险的控制以及防范做具体分析。针对广大企业所面临的筹资问题建议企业在负债筹资规模和管理者水平等方面控制负债筹资风险,通过科学有效的管理机制和风险预测、筹资结构对筹资风险做好防范工作。只有运用科学有效的方法严格切实做好负债筹资风险的控制与防范工作,方能在复杂多变的资本市场环境中得心应手,在行业竞争角逐中游刃有余。这不仅对企业的发展起到推进作用,对我国经济持续健康的发展也有着重要意义。 关键词 负债筹资/风险/控制/防范 DEBT FINANCING RISK CONTROL AND PREVENTION ABSTRACT For any one enterprise, capital is its existence and continuation of the source of life. In addition to a part of their own, businesses have to raise more money to meet the huge capital demand. Enterprise debt financing management work must be careful and prudent, a good grasp of the degree of debt financing. Detailed analysis of control and prevention based on the theory of debt financing risk and financing risk study on liabilities. The majority of enterprises are facing financing enterprises financing scale and management level in the balance control of debt financing risk, through scientific and effective management mechanism and risk prediction, financing structure on the financing risk preventive work. Only the use of scientific and effective method to control the strict liability financing risk and prevention work can be handy in the complicated and changeable market environment, and easy in the industry competition. This is not only for the development of enterprises play a promoting role, for China's sustained and healthy economic development also has an important significance. KEY WORDS Debt financing , risk , control , prevention 目 录 摘 要 I ABSTRACT II 1 绪论 1 1.1 研究背景及意义 1 1.2 研究内容 1 2 负债筹资风险的相关理论 2 2.1 负债筹资风险的概念及成因 2 2.2 负债筹资风险的识别与分析 3 2.3 负债筹资风险的评价 3 3 负债筹资风险的控制 4 3.1 降低筹资成本 4 3.2 合理安排负债筹资规模 5 3.3 提高企业经营管理水平 5 3.4 科学的进行投资风险分析决策 6 4 负债筹资风险的防范 7 4.1 准确预测筹资风险 7 4.2 建立健全有效的机制 7


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