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西安理工大学学报 (2002) . 18 . 2
Journal of X i’an U niversity of T echno logy V o l N o 113
文章编号: (2002)
刘 涵, 刘 丁, 刘筱琰
(西安理工大学 自动化与信息工程学院, 陕西 西安 710048)
摘要: 提出了一种新的自适应盲源分离算法。在无噪音实时两源两传感器的情况下, 一旦观
测信号被白化, 只需要辨识一个特定的旋转矩阵就可以完成盲源分离, 并给出了能表征该旋
转矩阵的角的自适应估计器。仿真结果表明, 当满足源峭度和不为零的条件时, 这种方法是
关键词: 盲源分离; 概率密度函数; 高阶统计量
中图分类号: TN 912. 3 文献标识码: A
Blind Sources Separa tion Using H igher Order Sta tistic
, ,
L IU H an L IU D ing L IU X iao yan
( , 710048, )
X i’an U niversity of T echno logy X i’an Ch ina
Abstract: A new learn ing algo rithm is developed fo r b lind separation of independen t sou rce
signals from their linear m ix tu res In the no iseless real m ix tu re tw o sou rce tw o sen so r
scenario , once the ob servation s are w h itened (deco rrelated and no rm alized) , on ly a given
ro tation m atrix rem ain s to be iden tified in o rder to ach ieve the sou rce separation. In th is
paper , an adap ter estim ato r of the angle that characterizes such a ro tation is derived. It
show s that estim ato r converges to a stab le valid separation so lu tion w ith the on ly condition
that the sum of sou rce ku rto sis be distinct from zero. Sim u lation dem on strate the validity
of the algo rithm.
Key words: b lind sou rce separation; p robab ility den sity function; h igher o rder statistic
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