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多泵组消防供水控制器的设计 摘要。关键词: Multi-Pump and Frequency of water supply controller Design Abstract This paper introduces a constant pressure water supple system. It can regulate aut-omatically the quantity and rotational speed of the water pump with the variation of the load. The controlling principle and the hardware circuit are presented in detail. The basic control strategy of the control system of constant pressure of water supply is: install the control system with motor speed adjustment and programmable logic controller (PLC), it carries out optimization control pump organization of the operation of speed adjustment, and adjusts the number of running pumps, completes pressure of water supply closed-loop control system, reaches the steady pressure of water supply in the changing of rate of flow in the pipe net and the purpose of economizing electrical energy. The control goal of system is the effluent pressure of pump station. The systems advantage is that starting steadily, the starting current may be restricted within specified current, so avoided the impact of electrical network when it starts; because the average rotational speed of pump is reduced, may prolong the using of pump and valve etc.; may eliminate water hammer effect when starts and stops machines. Key words:Inverter, Constant pressure water supply system?, PLC 目 录 1 绪论 1 1.1 引言 1 1.2 变频调速供水的目的和意义 1 1.3 变频调速技术的特点及应用 1 1.4 可编程序控制器的应用 2 2 变频供水器控制系统的设计 3 2.1 变频器的节能、调速原理 3 2.2 变频器控制方式的选择 3 2.2.1 电压空间矢量(SVPWM)控制方式 4 2.2.2 矢量控制(VC)方式 4 2.2.3 直接转矩控制(DTC)方式 4 2.2.4 矩阵式交—交控制方式 5 2.3 变频供水器的设计方案 5 2.4 变频供水器的工作原理 6 3 变频供水控制器的硬件设计 6 3.1 主电路设计 6 3.2 控制电路的设计 7 3.3 PLC的配置 8 3.3.1 EM235模拟量工作单元性能指标 10 3.3.2 EM235的安装使用 11 3.3.3 EM235工作程序编制 11 4 PLC的设计 12 4.1 PLC的编程语言 12 4.2 PLC的编程结构功能图 12 4.3 梯形图编程语言 13 4.4 控制系统的主程序设置 14 5 结束语 错误!未定义书签。 致谢 15 参考文献 16 附录1变频供水系统梯形图主程序 17 附录2变频供水系统梯形图子程序 23 1 绪论 1.1 引言 随着变频调速技术的发展和人们对生活用水要求的不断提高,变频恒压供水系统已逐渐取代原有的水塔供水系统,广泛应用于多层住宅小区生活消防供水系统。然而,由于新系统多会继续使用原有系统的部分旧设备(如水泵),在对原有供水系统进行变频改造的实践中,往往



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