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2 8 6 V o l. 28, N o. 6 20 10 11 P hysics Ex am ination and T esting N ov. 2010 S355JR 焦安杰 (, 276806) , , , , S355JR ; S355JR , S355JR ; ; ; TG 115. 5 A 100 1-0777 ( 20 10) 06-0053-03 Analysis onReasons for SurfaceFringe CrackOrigin of S355JR JIAO A n-jie ( Qu a lity Contro l D ep artm ent, R izh ao S tee l Co L td, R izh ao 27 6806, Sh andong, Ch ina) Abstract: Com par ison w as condu cted betw een m acro and m icro crack a t fr inge of surface of S355JR trip by m ean s o f ob serva- tion o f m icrostru cture, m acro- ac id co rrosion and scanning electron m icroscope ( SEM ) . A na lysis w as carried out on and found effect factor o f broken corner of S355JR steel slab w hich is responsible for crack a t surface fringe. M easures w ere sug- gested to avo id the crack. Key words: S355 JR co i;l surface crack; ana lysis; broken corner , , S355JR , 1 裂纹形貌 S355JR , , 30 mm , , 1 2 缺陷检验 1 Fig. 1 Crack of coil 2. 1 , 2. 3 ( , % ) , 1 , , 2. 2 3 , 15 , , , , 4 0. 12~ 0. 32 mm, , 2. 4 , 2 A l, , ( 1975) ) , , , ; E- ail: j iaoan jie@ rizhaostee.l com; 20 10-05-05 # 54# 28 1 S355JR


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