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鞍钢技术 2009年第 5期 总第 359期 ANGANG TECHNOLOGY S355 1 2 2 2 2 , , , , ( 1. 鞍钢股份有限公司第一炼钢厂, 辽宁鞍山 114021; 2. 鞍钢股份有限公司技术中心, 辽宁鞍山 114009) : S355 , S355, , , , , , , S355 : ; ; ; : TF76 : A : 1006- 4613( 2009) 05- 0058- 04 Analysis on Reasons of S rface Cracks Formation of S355 Ro nd T be B lank and Correspond ing Co ntermeas res Taken 1 2 2 2 2 Zu Xiaofeng , Ye Yinpeng, LeiH ongbo , Xu Gang , L i Jinghong ( 1. No. 1 Steelm aking Plant of Angang Steel Co. , Ltd. , Anshan 114021, Liaoning, China; 2. Technology Center of Angang SteelCo. , Ltd. , Anshan 114009, Liaoning, China) Abstract: S rface cracks of S355 ro nd t be blanks samp les from a batch are exam ined bym et- all rgical m icroscope and TEM. Accord ing to the analysis on the exam ined res lts, it is fo nd that d ring con tin o s casting the S355 steel them o ld level is fl ct ating greatly ca sed by the fail re of the brak ing system for mon itoring the level, wh ich leads to promote the chatter and as a res lt the peritectic transform ation occ rs, the vol m e contraction range of the solidified shell en larges and the stress concentrates on the w eak zone, nam ely the bottom of the chatter w here s rface cracks of the b lank are likely to occ r. And finally s rface cracks of S355 ro nd t be blanks are efficiently con- trolled by adj sting process and eq ipm ent. K ey words: ro nd t be b lank; s rface crack; peritrctic transform ation; chatter


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