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Syntax 组员:陈雪芹、齐丽丽、高伟、陈静、黄雪、段彬彬、丁静 句法学简介 1.Definition:Syntax is the study of rules (governing the structure of phrase and the structure of sentence )or the interrelationships of elements in sentence structure. All in all,it focus on the structure and ordering of components within a sentence. 2.Syntax-from word to text(how to organize words into phrase,further into sentences.It is concerned with the combination of words). Purpose:study the rules and reveals the relationship of the form and the function/meaning of language. 4.The descriptive approach-to describe the regular structures of the language as it it used objectively ,not according to some view of how it should be used. Position: It is the basis of most modern attempt to characterized the structure of different language. Classification: Structure analysis Immediate constituent analysis (1)Structural analysis-study the distribution of linguistic forms in a language . Syntagmatic relation:is a relation between one item and others in a sequence , or between the elements which are all present (horizonal relation). Paradigmatic relation:is a relation holding between elements replaceable with each other at a particular place in a atructure or between one element present and the others absent (verdical relation ,substitution relation) (2)immediate constituents(ICs)直接成分: constituents directly below the level of a construction ultimate constituents (UCs) 最终成分: last level of constituents 5.constituent structure grammar The idea of constituency ,which reveals a hierachy of structural levels , is referred to as a constituent structure grammar. Three levels of transformational rules: The basic rule is Chomsky’s universal grammar ,the underlying principle The second type is the obligatory rules that govern the transformations of auxiliaries and principles The third type is the optional transformational rules that govern the transformatons of negotion ,passive voice ,interrogation Case Grammar Filemor


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