
英语语音:U12 ,14 English Intonation I.ppt

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Unit 12 14 English Intonation (I) Intonation (语调) / tune (调子) Intonation: the rise and fall of the voice during speech. Three commonly-seen tunes in English: A. the falling tune 降调 B. the rising tune 升调 C: the falling-rising tune 降升调 Two transcription systems of English intonation: The first system: dots and curves ● ? represent stressed syllables ? ? represent unstressed syllables curves ? pitch movement ? upper and lower limit of one’s voice Examples: The second system: strokes (笔画) and lines ? the stressed syllable of the important word (=stressed content [or sometimes function] word) % ? the stressed syllable before the first important word, or right after the fall. è ? the fall ? ? the rise ?a ? the fall-rise Some Examples: The falling tune (降调) 1.If there is only one word, which is a single-syllable word (e.g. èèèèNo.), in the word group, the voice falls within the syllable. 2. If the word has more than one syllable (e.g. èèèèExcellent.), the voice either falls within the stressed syllable or jumps down from that syllable to the next. 3. If there is more than one word in the word group (e.g. There were so many people èèèèthere with her.), (1) the stressed syllable of the first important word is the highest in pitch (句中第一个关键词的重读音节的音高最高 ). (2) the stressed syllable of the next important word is a little lower than the previous one in pitch (第一个关键词重读音节之后,其他关键词的重读音节,其音高依次递降 ). (3) all the following unstressed syllables are on the same pitch with the previous important word (每两个关键词重读音节之间的非重读音节的音高,和前面一个重读音节的音高相同 ). (4) all syllables before the first important word are low (第一个关键词重读音节之前的所有音节都声调低平). (5) all syllables after the last important word are low (最后一个关键词重读音节之后的所有音节都声调低平). (6) the fall occurs at the last stressed syllable (在最后一个关键词重读音节上降调) 总之,降调的特点是头(第一个关键词重读音节之前)尾(最后一个关键词重读音节之后)低平,第


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