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第 23 卷  第 1 期        西  安  工  业  学   院 学  报        Vol23  No1 2003 年 3 月       JOURNAL OF XIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY       Mar . 2003 不同磁控溅射模式膜厚均匀性研究 惠迎雪 , 杭凌侠 , 徐均琪 , 陈伟 (西安工业学院 光电科学与工程系 ,陕西 西安 710032) 摘  要 :  使用磁控溅射和非平衡磁控溅射方法 ,在玻璃基底上沉积钛膜. 实验了在同等工艺条件 下平衡和非平衡两种不同的工作模式对膜厚均匀性的影响. 结果表明 ,靶基距是影响磁控溅射薄 膜厚度均匀性的重要工艺参数 ,在一定范围内, 随着靶基距的增大 ,膜厚分布均匀性有提高的趋 势 ;磁场分布是影响两种磁控溅射膜厚分布差异的主要因素 ;非平衡磁控溅射膜厚均匀性随附加 励磁线圈电流改变而变化. 关键词 :  磁控溅射 ;非平衡磁控溅射 ;均匀性 ;靶基距 ( ) 中图号 :  O4845    文献标识码 :  A    文章编号 : 2003 Study on the thickness uniformity of f ilms deposited by magnetron sputtering or unbalanced magnetron sputtering XI Ying-x ue , HAN GL ing-xia , X U J un- qi , CHEN Wei (Dept of Instr Engr , Xi ’an Inst of Tech , Xi ’an 710032 , China) Abstract :  The titanium ( Ti ) films were deposited on glass substrates by magnetron sputtering and unbalanced magnetron sputtering respectively. In same sputtering condition , the effect on the thickness uniformity of films prepared by balanced or unbalanced magnetron systems are studied. The results show : the thickness uniformity of films was improved with the increase of distance between target and substrate ; the distribution of magnetic field is an important fact that have effect on the uniformity of films thickness ; the thickness uniformity of films deposited by unbalanced magnetron systems varies with changes of the current of the additional field coil . Key Words :  magnetron sputtering ; unbalanced magnetron sputtering ; thickness uniformity of films ; distance between target and substrate 如何提高膜层的均匀性是磁控溅射技术工艺研究的重点之一. 许多


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