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24 6 Vol24, No6 2009 12 JOURNAL OF NORTH SICHUAN MED ICAL COLLEGE Dec2009 580 CTMRI 刘忠政, 张连山 (, 635000) : CTMR I, 9, CT , 5 CT, 6MR I CT MR I 5 4MR I, 4, 2 CT MRI : ; ; ; : 1005 3697( 2009) 06 0580 03 : R81442 : A CT andMRI Findings ofAcuteCerebralParagonimiasis LIU Zhong zheng, ZHANG L ian shan (D ep artem ent of R ad iology, D ax ian P eop les H osp ital, D azhou, S ichuan 635000) Abstract: ObjectiveTo discuss the CT and MR I findings of acute cerebral paragon mi iasis and evaluate the recogn ition of the dis easeM ethodsCT stud ied 9 casesw ith a positive antibody test of paragonmi iasis, among wh ich CT scan 5 cases andMRI 6 casesw ere enhancedThe CT andMR I featuresw ere retrospectively reviewedResults Large slice edem a and infarctionw ere 5 cases in CT and 4 inMR I, circle focus around edem a and circle enhancementw ere 4 cases in CT andMR IConclusion CT and MR I p lay an mi portant role in diagnosis of acute cerebral paragon mi iasis K ey ords: Paragonmi iasis; D iagnosis; Com pute tom ography; M agnetic resonance mi aging , 7, 7 , , , 4 3 2001 1 2008 12 , 5 8 9 CT MRI, , 2 12 : CT , 5 1 CT Esprit 11 : 9, 6, 512 512, 10mm 3; 6 15, 116; , 50m l ; , 20, , 20m l/s6 MR I, , GE Signa 02T MR , SE : T W I: T 440 T 13, T W I: 9 1 R E 2 T 3700 T 104, Flair: T


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