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第5 期 电 子 学 报 Vol. 35 No. 5
2007 年5 月 ACTA ELECTrONICA SINICA May 2007
王 峰,周学海,陈 艾,罗 赛
(中国科学技术大学计算机科学技术系,安徽合肥230027 )
摘 要: 针对当前可重构计算技术在加密领域的应用中存在性能和资源占用量等方面的缺陷,提出了一种
基于部分重构技术的加密算法实现方法. 该方法利用Xilinx FPGA 具有的基于模块的部分重构能力实现具有对
合结构的块加密算法,有效解决了模块间的协同机制、通讯通道设计以及执行时序调整等关键问题. 加密算法实
关键词: 部分重构技术;块加密算法;模块化设计;对合结构
中图分类号: TP309. 7 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 0372-2112 (2007 )05-0959-05
A Study on the lmplementation of Encryption Algorithm
Based on Partial Reconfiguration
WANG Feng ,ZHOU Xue-hai ,CHEN Ai ,LUO Sai
(Dep artment of Comp uter Science and Technology ,Uniuersity of Science and Technology of China ,Hef ei ,Anhui 230027 ,China )
Abstract : To solve the problems such as low performance and high resource cost ,which exist in current implementa-
tions of encryption algorithms based on reconfigurable computing technology ,this paper presents a method that implements
the encryption algorithms by using partial reconfiguration. This method implements a block cipher algorithm which has invo-
lutional structure by using module-based partial reconfiguration technology of Xilinx FPGA ,and gives the solutions to the key
technical issues such as cooperation between modules,communication channels design and timing adjusting scheme. The
comparisons in the experimental results of this method with those of others demonstrate the effectiveness of this method.
Key words : partial reconfiguration ;block cipher ;modular design