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中国西部大开发战略环评 李巍 北京师范大学环境学院 报告提纲  中国SEA进展 项目目标及思路  西部大开发战略分析  西部地区生态环境及资源特征分析  西部大开发战略环境评价  结论与建议 中国SEA进展-practices 中国SEA进展-stages The developing stages of SEA in China Budding stage(1986~1992)-appeared in Regional Environmental Impact Assessment (REIA) form Formative stage (1992~2003) - conducted in the plan level of SEA form Extension stage (2003~Onward) - implementing legally 中国SEA进展-laws EIA Law On September 1st, 2003, China began to implement, which is a milestone of the SEA work in China 第一次以单行法律的形式对环境影响评价作了专门规定 评价对象由建设项目扩大到对环境有影响的有关规划 Relevant plans concerning land use, exploration, utilization and development in the areas, river basins and sea areas Relevant specialized plans concerning industry, agriculture, pasturage, forestry, energy, water conservancy, communication, urban construction, tourism and exploration of natural resources (specialized plans) EIA法对综合规划的环境影响评价规定的比较原则,操作性较差 规定了对有关规划的环境影响评价,但并没有涉及对政府政策的环境评价问题 August 11th, 2003, Technical guidelines for plan environmental impact assessment (on trial). Issued by State Environmental Protection Administration Strong political will Transparency of government affairs Existing experimental units for SEA trial runs Education and publicity Lack of knowledge and experience concerning which environmental factors to consider, what environmental impacts might arise and how integrated policy-making can be achieved Institutional and organizational difficulties – need for effective coordination amongst and within government departments Lack of guidelines or mechanisms to ensure full implementation Methodologies not well developed Limited public involvement Lack of clear accountability in the application of the SEA process 项目目标-总目标 生态环境保护与改善建议 工作重点与优先工作领域 政策、规划与计划的环境评价思路 方法学框架与指标体系 项目目标-分目标 避免重大战略决策的缺陷与失误 证明SEA在决策过程中的有效性 指导未来的西部大开发的决策过程 推动环境影响评价法的落实 促进中国环境影响评价向更高层次的发展 在国际范围内树立大区域开发战略环评的典范 项目工作思路 西部大开发战略分析-社会发展概况 人口:出生率高,死亡率高;人口文化素质较低。2000年,西部地区贫困人口占全国的比例48.2%。西部地区的贫困人口主要集中在农村和少数民族地区。 城市化:2000年,西部地区城市化水平只有28.


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