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IPv6在無線網路上之應用 黃仁竑 中正大學通訊系 主任 中正大學資工系 教授 Outline Characteristics of IPv6 Wireless networks IPv6 over wireless networks Applications Characteristics of IPv6 What makes it different from IPv4 (features) Address space Address stateless autoconfiguration Security Mobility QoS IPv6 Address Space Large address space 128-bit address 64-bit network address 64-bit network interface address Accommodate 1.8E+19 networks assuming IPv4 efficiency: 1E+16 networks, 1 million networks per human 2 networks per square feet of Earth (20 per square meter) What is the point? Are we lack of IP address? NAT is bad for many applications (VoIP, FTP, SNMP, …) Stateless Autoconfiguration Generate link-local address (FE80:)(tentative address) Join all-node multicast group solicited-node multicast group DAD: send neighbor solicitation message with tentative address Find routers and prefix: send router solicitation message Routers reply with router advertisement message (autonomous flag is set, prefix+interface id is the new addr) IPv6 Security IPsec Encryption ESP (Encapsulating Security Payload) Authentication AH (Authentication Header) Key management Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (ISAKMP) Mandatory End-to-end IPv6 Mobility Components MN (Mobile Node) HA (Home Agent) CN (Correspondent Node) Important features Care-of address (COA): obtained at a foreign subnet, MN may have more then one COA (autoconfiguration) Binding: association between home address and COA MN sends Binding Update to HA and CNs Route optimization Packets are sent from CN to COA of MN (CN cache binding) Security on binding update IPv6 QoS Internet QoS frameworks Integrated Services Differentiated Services IPv6 QoS Flow label (IntServ) Traffic class (DiffServ) All-IP networks (B3G) IntServ+DiffServ End-to-end QoS QoS mapping Different QoS provision in 3G, WLAN, Bluetooth, Internet Wireless Networks 無線廣域網路 WWAN (Wireless Wide Area Network) 全球性、跨地區、大範圍網路 無線區域網路 WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network) 建築物內


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