2014年职称英语考试 理工类—阅读理解(一).doc

2014年职称英语考试 理工类—阅读理解(一).doc

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2014年职称英语考试 理工类—阅读理解(一)

第篇? Ford Abandons Electric Vehicles The Ford motor company’s abandonment of electric cars effectively signals the end of the road for the technology,analysts say. General Motors。and Honda’ceased production of battery.powered cars in 1 999, to focus on fuel cell and hybrid electric gasoline engines, which are more attractive to the consumer.Ford has now announced it will do the same. Three years ago.the company introduced the Think City two—seater car and a golf cart called the THINK, or Think Neighbor.It hoped to sell 5,000 cars each year and 10,000 carts.But a lack of demand means only about l,000 of the cars have been produced,and less than 1。700 carts have been sold so far in 2002. “The bottom line is we don’t believe that this is the future of environment transport for the mass market.”Tim Holmes of Ford Europe said on Friday.“We feel we have given electric our best shot” The Think City has a range of only about 53 miles and up to a six-hour battery recharge time.General Motors’EVI electric vehicle also had a limited range。of about 100 miles. The very expensive batteries also mean electric cars cost much more than petrol-powered alternatives.An electric Toyot~RAV4 EV vehicle costs over$42,000 in the US, compared with just $17,000 for the petrol version.Toyota and Nissan…are now the only major automanufacturers to produce electric vehicles. “There is a feeling that battery electric has been given its chance.Ford now has to move on with its hybrid program“,and that is what we will be judging them on,”Roger Higman,a senior transport campaigner at UK Friends of the Earth,told the Environment News Service. Hybrid cars introduced by Toyota and Honda in the past few years have sold well.Hybrid engines Offer Greater mileage than petrol—only engines , and the batteries recharge themselves. Ford says it thinks such vehicles will help it meet planned new guidelines “on vehicle emissions” in the U.S. However, it is not yet clear exactly what those guidelines will permit.In


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