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Unit 1 Body Language Reading 1. Teaching content: Reading A Body Language 2. Teaching aims: 1) Ss can understand the article 2) Ss are able to understand and use the key phrases: Prefer… to …, go to sb for help, hold…up, without doing, 3) To help Ss practice some reading skills 3. Teaching difficulty: Analyze the article 4. Procedures: Step 1: Before-reading 1) Present the unit topic Do you know why people don’t want to talk with him? 2) Present new words: sigh, gesture, hesitate, remind, cheerfully 3) Present the general idea of the article Step 2: While-reading 1) Look at the picture and finish A1 2) Skimming: What is the problem in the article? 3) Scanning: 1> How did Debbie greet the old lady? 2> Who helped Simon to find out the problem? 3> According to Chris, what is the Simon’s problem? 4> How did Simon treat customers after Simon’s help? 4) Read the article by themselves 5) Fill in the table. The performance when they see the customers Debbie Simon 1. She holds(A)_________ up. 2. She looks at people’s (B)________ 3. She smiles before(C)_________to them. 1. He often (D)________ his head on his hand. 2. He looks (E)________. 3. He never (F)________. 4.He doesn’t turn his head or (G)______towards people. Step 3: Post-reading 1) Do A4 2) Read Para2—para11 in roles Step 4: Drills 1) 这部电视剧给我留下了深刻的印象。 This play _______ _______ _______ ________ _____ me. 2) 得到这样的机会实属难得。 It is hard to ________ ______ _______ _______. 3) He always has a c________ expression on his face. He is a sunny boy. 4) He h_________ for a long time because he was not sure. 5) Teachers often r_____ us that we should show r_____ to our parents. 6) Pointing your fingers at others is a bad g______. Useful expressions: 1) look up/look down 向上/向下看 2) walk over to sb. 向某人走过去 3) greet sb. cheerfully = greet sb. in a cheerful way欢快地与某人打招呼 4) What’s up? = What happened?= What’s wrong? = What’s the matter? 怎么回事? 5) prefer


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